❄️🔥Chapter 15: Trapped🔥❄️

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Dipper's POV

"-and then I was woken up by your voices, and here we are." I had finished explaining what happened to me before now.

Gideon stared at me in disbelief while writing stuff in my- er, his journal. Pacifica was smiling in excitement, and was probably holding herself from jumping up and down.

Paz: So you're saying that where you're from, everyone's like the exact opposite from here?!?!?

Gideon: That's amazing...!!! There's an alternate dimension, and you've been able to leap through them...!!!

Dipper: I guess I have...

Gideon: But how exactly did you come here...?!? Did a demon sent you?!?

Dipper: Uh, no.

Paz: Did an angel sent you~?!?

Dipper: What the- No!!!

Gideon: Then what happened?

Dipper: It was some machinery malfunction, I know that much, but the rest is a blur...

Paz: *takes something out* We found this near you, do you recognize it?

Dipper: That's... (y/n)'s bracelet... Wait, (y/n)!!!!!! Where is she?!?!? Did you see her?!?!?

Gideon and Paz: !!! *exchange a confused look* ...

Dipper: Right, you don't know who she is...!!! She has (h/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin, and-!

Paz: No, we know who she is... Well, sort of...

Dipper: What do you mean "sort of"...?

Gideon: Well, we know the (y/n) from this dimension. Along with her brother Luke.

Dipper: !!!

Paz: Maybe they can help! I'll go call them! *runs off*

Dipper: ...

Gideon: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find your (y/n) soon.

Dipper: I really hope so...

Your POV

After what felt like forever, I finally woke up. This time, my head was pounding painfully, as if I were constantly getting stabbed in my brain.

"Oh good, you're awake." said a male voice from nearby. My eyes landed on Dipper.

But not the Dipper I remembered.

This one was exactly like Mabel Gleeful. Blue piercing and deadly eyes, and wore a similar outfit as his sister.

The aura he gave off was one that was mischievous, almost evil. He wasn't the sweet and innocent Dipper I knew and loved...

Dipper: Had a nice rest, my darling~?

You: What did you just call me...?

Dipper: Sorry, my apologies. I should know how to behave better in the presence of a beautiful woman like you~!

You: Uh...

Dipper: *stands up and bows elegantly* Dipper Gleeful, at your service, madam~!

You: Um... (y/n)... (y/n) (l/n)...

Dipper: It's wonderful to meet you, (y/n) (l/n)~!

You: Likewise...?

Dipper: I'm sure my sister covered everything up, did she not?

You: She went over it briefly...

Dipper: I found you along in the woods, and I couldn't let such a beautiful lady out there by herself now could I~? So I brought you here, gave you a room to rest in, and now here we are.

You: Well, thank you, but I think I'm fine now. *stand up, a little wobbly, but gain your balance*

Dipper: And where might you be going?

You: Look, I really appreciate everything you have done for me, but I need to get back home...

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I looked back at the Gleeful brother who had a devious expression on his face.

I gulped and tightened my grip on the doorknob, still trying to open the door.

He walked over, and my feet refused to move.

Dipper: (y/n), I want you to answer a simple question, and then I'll let you leave. Ok?

You: ...

Dipper: What are you?

You: Excuse me...?

Dipper: You're not human, I can sense that. You're something much more than that. You're not normal. So I'll ask you once more. What. Are. You.

You: I... I don't know... I never have known...

Dipper: An outcast? Someone who was feared an hated as a child because no one understood what you were capable of?


Dipper: Someone who was abandoned because of a stupid mistake?

"It was all your fault!!!"

Dipper: Someone who was misunderstood from a very young age.




Dipper: Or am I wrong~?

You: ... Where are you going with this...?

Dipper: *smirks* I want you to join me.

You: What...?

Dipper: If you join me and my sister, I promise this no one will ever be afraid of you again.

You: I... I-I...

Dipper: I'll leave you to think about it. *leaves, locking the door behind him*


He didn't answer, probably already gone. I kicked the door in anger before sitting on the bed. And that's when I heard it.


Thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!


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