Studying with Ron

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A/N: I'm really just procrastinating at this point. Also I want Draco to be jealous

~Tessa's POV~

I sat in the library with Ron. I was more than happy with the fact that he was talking to me again.

We were doing Potions homework. Professor Snape had given us a massive stack of homework to complete. Ron wanted help from me because I'm exceptional at it.

I pointed at a part on the page "What's that?"

"A weird shaped cone thing?" Ron questioningly.

I laughed "No. It's not" I said with a smile.

"Oh... Then it's um..." He said, looking at me questioningly

"I'm not telling you" I said, sitting back. He groaned

~Draco's POV~

I watched them from between books on the shelf.

She laughed happily as Weasley got more things wrong. Honestly.

She laughed again. What a wonderful laugh I shook my head slightly as the thought crossed my head.

Weasley chuckled "Why can't you just tell me?" He said with a smile

"You'll never learn if I just tell you!" She said, laughing.

Lucky twat I thought to myself, glaring. Tessa suddenly looked around. Did I say that out loud?

She looked directly at me for a moment and I hid. I wasn't sure if she'd seen me.

"Listen Ron. Curfew is in twelve minutes. And you haven't even answered one question" she said

"Tess. Listen. I can't help it. Snape is trying to kill us with homework" Ron pointed out, "I say we run"

"We can't run" she said

"Sure we can!" Ron said, leaning on her.

I growled a little. Both of them looked around. I groaned and immediately left the library. I met Tessa's eyes when I did.

Damned Weasleys. Always getting in my way. I hated them.

A/n very short I know. But I'm just procrastinating.

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