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(what? I'm not starting in Hogwarts? Woooooooah)

~Tessa's POV~

It was a month before the start of term. August first. Harry and I had turned fifteen the day before
So many things had changed over break. One of them was this:

Draco and I were once again, a secret.

Harry had gotten fed up with me constantly getting owls from Draco and he'd gotten fed up with me staring into space, daydreaming about him.

We got into a huge fight, getting in trouble for being loud of course, that ended in me sending a letter to Draco, telling him that we needed to 'break up'. And we went back to being a secret. The only time we sent letters to each other was in the middle of the night.

I'd been having nightmares every night that summer. Memories, visions of what I hope never comes to pass. Everything that had happened at the Triwizard Tournament was forever burned in my mind.

Harry and I were walking down Privet Drive when we came upon Dudley and his group of morons.

His friends were all saying goodbyes before they ran off.

Harry chuckled a little before yelling "Hey Big D!"

Dudley turned around and immediately frowned "oh. It's you" he grunted

"So how long have you been Big D?" Harry asked

"Shut it" Dudley said, turning away again

"Cool name" Harry said

"But you'll always be Ickle Diddykins to us" I said

"I said, SHUT IT" Dudley said, whose ham-like hands had curled into fists

"Don't the boys know that's what your mum calls you?"Harry asked

"Shut your face"

"You don't tell her to shut her face" Harry pointed out

"What about Popkin and Dinky Diddydums? Can I use them?" I asked

Dudley said nothing. The effort of keeping himself from hitting us seemed to be demanding all of his self control

"So who've you been beating up tonight?" Harry asked, "another ten-year-old? I know what you did to Mark Evans two nights ago"

"He was asking for it" Dudley snarled

"Oh yeah?" I said

"He cheeked me"

"Yeah? Did he say you look like a pig that's been taught to walk on its hind legs?" Harry asked

"Yeah that's not a cheek, Diddykins, that's true" I said

Dudley's jaw tightened in frustration.

"Bet you think you're tough, carrying those things around" Dudley grumbled

"Things?" I questioned.

"Those... Those things you're hiding.." Dudley mumbled

"Oh not at stupid as you look" Harry said

"Then again, if he was he wouldn't be able to walk and talk at the same time" I said

Harry pulled out his wand.

"You can't. You aren't allowed to. You'll get expelled from that freak school of yours" Dudley said fearfully

"How do you know they haven't changed the rules?" Harry asked

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