King's Cross

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A/N: you guys already know allllll about how Harry found out he was a wizard so we're just gonna skip right to the train station

Tessa's POV

Harry and I walked through the station. Confusion written on both of our faces.

Harry and I were nearly identical twins. We each had a lightning shaped scar on our foreheads. For years we had no idea where it had come from. Until we found out. Harry and I are wizards.

"I've never heard of a Platform 9 3/4" I said to him quietly. He nodded in agreement.

We stopped in the space between platforms 9 and 10.

We each looked at one platform, then the other, then we looked at each other. "Maybe.. we should ask someone?" I questioned.

He nodded and led me to a security guard. "Excuse me sir? Can you tell us where platform 9 3/4 is?" Harry asked

"9 3/4?" He scoffed "I won't have tricks being played on me. Now off with you. Leave me be."

We sighed simultaneously and walked away from the guard.

"What are we going to do?" I said, looking around. Harry pointed at a group not too far away.

"Packed with muggles as usual.." a voice came to us from the group.

I looked at Harry then walked toward them, Harry close behind.

In front of us were a family of wizards. All of them had fiery red hair and freckles.

"Alright go on then George" the mother said to one of the older children.

"I'm Fred! Honestly woman you call yourself our mother"

"Sorry Fred" she apologized

"Just kidding Mom. I'm George" he said before running at the brick wall in between the platforms.

Harry and I watched with wide eyes as he disappeared into the wall. Another boy, identical to George followed suit.

Harry stepped forward as the oldest boy went into the wall

"Excuse me.. ma'am? How do you..?' he started

"Get onto the platform? It's Ron's first time too" she pointed at her youngest son, "it's simple. Run at the wall. Don't slow down or you'll crash. You go first dear" she said politely.

Harry glanced at me then pushed his cart forward. I watched as he took a running start at the wall and disappeared.

"Now you dear" she looked at me. I looked at Ron and the young girl hiding behind her mother then ran at the wall.

I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting a crash. But it didn't come. I opened my eyes before almost running into Harry.

We both looked up in shock and awe. In front of us was a large scarlet engine. It was sleek and absolutely beautiful.

We looked at each other then headed toward the train. After a moment or so of struggling, we managed to get both of our trunks on the train.

We found an empty compartment. We tried to get our trunks onto the storage shelves just as the red headed twins passed

"Need some help?' they said in unison. After we nodded, they put both of our trunks on the shelves.

Then they looked at us closely.

"Blimey" one said

"It can't be. You're them" the other said

"Them?" Harry said

"The Potter Twins" they said together.

"Oh them.." Harry mumbled "uh yeah.. that's us"

"Blimey" the first said again.

"And you have the scars?" The other said

I sighed and pushed my bangs back. The red headed twins in front of us both grinned


"I'm George, he's Fred" the first said pointing at himself then his brother.

"Pleasure to meet you" I said softly

They nodded. Then we heard "George! Fred!"

The twins immediately waved at us then left.

Harry and I looked at each other then sat down on the same side of the compartment.

After a few minutes, the door to our compartment opened. "Mind if I sit? Everywhere else is full" the boy from before, Ron, said. We both nodded.

He sat down then looked at us "I'm Ron. Ron Weasley"

Harry and I replied at the same time

"Harry Potter"

"Tessa Potter"

Ron's eyes widened "bloody hell! Can I see your scars?" He blurted.

We pushed back our bangs, revealing the identical scars on our heads.

"Do you remember him? You know who?" He asked

"No. Neither of us remember anything" I said with a small shrug.

Ron nodded slightly.

After ten minutes of talking, the train began moving. I watched out the window as King's Cross and platform 9 3/4 disappeared.

A/N: alright that's it for the first chapter. Is it okay? I haven't read the first book in quite a while... But I tried. Well bye for now!

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