The Death of a Loved One

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~Tessa's POV~

I took in a few anxious deep breaths as the elevator slowed.

We were in ministry of magic. Headed to the Department of Mysteries

"You okay Tessa?" Harry asked

I nodded "yeah..." I said, "we have to save Sirius"

"I know. And we will" he assured me.

The doors of the elevator opened and we quickly left it, headed to the door of the Department of Mysteries.

"Remember everything you learned guys" Harry addressed the group.

With us was Luna, Neville, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"Got it. Don't worry. We've got this" Ginny said.

We nodded and I opened the door.

In the room were shelves upon shelves of little Crystal balls.

"Okay... Sirius was in row 95" I said. Harry and I began to race down the rows.

"91... 92... 93... 94... 95!" I said. I turned into the row. There was no one.

"What? He's supposed to be here.." Harry said

"You don't think..."

"No! We can't be too late" Harry said.

There was a small whispering sound. I looked at one of the crystal balls. I gasped and smacked Harry's arm.

He looked at me. We both then looked at the crystal ball labelled Harry and Tessa Potter.

I looked at Harry then gingerly picked it up. It began to glow.

And then it began to speak

'The ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have defied him, born as the seventh month dies... And the Dark Lord will mark them as his equal, but they will have power that the Dark Lord knows not... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...'

"What does that-"

There a sudden whooshing sound

We looked around.

"Wands out" I said

They nodded and everyone took their wands out.

There was sudden laughter.

"What is that??" I asked. As if answering my question, a trail of black smoke landed in front of us. It cleared to reveal one of the death eaters.

The Death Eater stood there, his mask covering his face.

"Excellent job young Potters... Now give it here" he held out his hand to me.

I hugged the silvery orb close to me.

"Where's Sirius??" I said

"Sirius Black is where he always has been. Safe at home" The Death Eater said.

I recognized that voice but I couldn't place it.

"Now give me the prophecy" he said

"No!" I said.

There were more whooshing sounds and suddenly we were surrounded by Death Eaters.

One of them didn't wear a mask. She had messy hair and a wicked face. I knew who she was. She'd escaped from Azkaban.

"Well done Lucius" Bellatrix Lestrange said.

Lucius Malfoy used his wand to swipe away his mask, revealing his face. It was safe to say that Draco was much better looking than his father.(truth)

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