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     Groaning as I pressed the snooze button on my phone, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. How was it already eight in the morning? It felt like I slept for five minutes. I sighed and unplugged my phone before making my way towards the bathroom and doing my morning routine. Shower, brush hair, brush teeth, go make breakfast. What should I make for breakfast? Cinnamon rolls, French toast, pancakes, omelette, eggs and bacon... I could make so many things... Eh, let's go with French toast. Keep things simple.

Once I finished breakfast and cleaned up, I decided it was a good time to just relax and get a better feel of the area. I mean, I have been going back and fourth for a few days to just get my things here, so maybe I should just take a walk for a while. Deciding that it was a good idea, I went up to my room and switched into my workout outfit; which was just a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and hoodie for the cold weather along with my black converse. Man, how is it already October? It seems like yesterday it was January!

Once grabbing my phone, earbuds, wallet, pocket knife- as you never know- and my keys, I headed out. It was still early in the morning, only being nine thirty, so I had time to kill. Mostly because I know the few neighbors I do have will most likely not be up at this god forsaken hour on a Saturday and most likely wouldn't be stopping by for a while.

Putting on a playlist, I broke into a jog. As I jogged down my long driveway, I finally took in my surroundings. There were tall pine trees on either side of the road and the gravel road wasn't in bad condition. There was a sign at the end of the, what seemed like mike long, driveway saying 'no trespassing, private property.' Hmm, I should probably put something out here so my other friends can find me a bit better. Or not? I mean, the road splits off into two directions: towards my house and then to a neighbor. Eh, I guess I should put a sign up or something? That's a problem for tomorrow me.

Looking down the other driveway, I noticed three guys jogging down the road. I guess I'm not the only morning person here. I waved at them and gave them a friendly smile as they noticed me, two of them waving back and one shying behind his friends. Me too dude, me too. I stopped at the edge of the road and put my music on stop before shoving my phone into my pocket as they jogged closer to me.

"S- So you mu- must be our ne- new neighbor!" one chirped. He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes, and like the other two, were at least half a foot taller than me and looked like they either worked out more than me or just kept their body in shape. He also seemed to never stop smiling even though the one next to him- he had darker brown hair with sideburns and brown eyes- seemed to be annoyed with him. The one hiding behind the dark haired man had short brown hair and brown eyes and what looked like a small mustache was growing.

      "Yep. I'm Heather," I replied, giving them a friendly smile. This seemed to ease their friend as the dark haired one spoke up.

      "I'm Tim, this is Toby, and that's Brain," he said pointing to each of them. "Don't mind Toby when he twitches, it's um...-"

      "Nah it's fine, one of my brothers had the same thing," I replied. This put a bigger smile on Toby's face as he heard this. I motioned for them to start jogging with me as Tim spoke up.

      "One of your older brothers?" he questioned, giving me a sideways glance. I nodded, giving him a 'mhm' in response.

       "My parents wanted a big family. I have three older half brothers and four older brother- two were adopted. It was... chaotic growing up to say the least..." I huffed just thinking about half the things I got into as a kid. Geez, how did I even survive in that house?

      "W- Wow..." Toby replied, "I ha- had a si- sis- sister and Tim and Brain a- a- are only children. Though, n- no- now that I- I th- thi- think about i- it, all but a co- couple of our fri- friends were only chi- chil- children.... S- Sally and B- Ben are si- sib- siblings, Slendy ha- has tw- two brothers,  P- Pup- Puppet- t- teer has a coup- couple of sib- siblings...."

       "I'm assuming Slendy and Puppeteer are nicknames?" I questioned, giving a chuckle at them.

      "Yeah, Slendy is just tall and thin and Puppeteer likes his puppets. When you meet them they can introduce themselves," Tim explained, brushing it off.

      "Can't wait for you to meet Bitchy Casper. She's my friend that happens to sarcastically bitch all the time and be as pale as Casper himself," the three chuckled a bit. We continued to jog for a while not realizing that it was already eleven by the time we got back to the split in the road. We had just been talking about this and that and telling stupid jokes. "So do you guys wanna come over for dinner? I'm making homemade pizza?" I nudged Tim in the arm and he just chuckled and shook his head before giving me a grin.

      "I don't see why we couldn't come over for a bit. What time?" I thought for a second before deciding on six thirty. That gave them ample amount of time to just get ready to come over. We talked for a little bit longer before going our separate ways and heading down to our own houses.

      As I made my way back to my house, I thought about them. They gave me a somewhat uneasy feeling, like I had seen their faces and heard their names before. Eh, they have common names and I'm sure that me seeing their picture somewhere is just a coincidence. I mean, there are supposed to be what, like seven people on the planet that look just like you? Eh, whatever. I'm sure I'm just over reacting or some shit. I seem to be able to do that way too much and far too often.

— — — — — —

     Getting back to our 'house,'- it was technically our house but we never used it as we live at Slendy's mansion- we saw that LJ, EJ, Jeff and Ben we're sitting on the couch in the living room. We had been tasked with making friends with Heather, as we were the most normal of looking and because BP, Kate, and Jason didn't want to. But I guess that's the life of a pasta, we work diligently for our master.

     "So, what took you guys so long?" LJ chuckled, looking between the three of us. Brain and I had put our hood and mask on while Toby left his off. I could never get used to why he doesn't mind his face being seen by them.

"We went jogging with Heather. She can run a while before she loses her breath. It's apparently because she got chased a lot by her brothers," I explained.

"How many brothers does she have in order for her to have that much? It seems inhumanly possible to jog for an hour and a half straight with little to no breaks," EJ commented. He's probably right, considering what he does for a living. The medical part, not the cannibal part.

"Seven brothers, all older," Brian stated, taking a seat on the other sofa in the room followed by Toby and myself.

"Jesus, how big of a family do you need??" Jeff questioned. "That's like 1940s big family."

"T- Two are ad- ado- adopted, tw- two a- are blo- blood rela- lated, and three a- are half-brothers," Toby explained, "o- one of he- her brothers e- e- even has the same t- tick condi- dition as m- me!"

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