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      "Has anyone seen Heather?" I questioned, walking into the room. I really wanted some Mac n cheese right now, and I know Masky and Hoody are alright cooks, but I want Heather's mac n cheese. A few people didn't even acknowledge me and the others just shrugged. I sighed and left the room going to EJ's room. Maybe he knew where she was. I mean, I hope he does. What kind of asshole doesn't even keep tabs on his own proxy.

— — — — — —

"Has anyone seen Skylor?" I questioned, walking into the gaming room. A few of them looked up with with 'really?' looks and the others didn't pay any attention. "Wow, rude. Okay look, it's not my fault. I was talking to her one second and then when I turn around she just vanished. Did you see her or not?"

"She went looking for Heather, she went towards EJ's and Heather's room," LJ stated, going back to playing pool.

"Thanks LJ!" I chirped ans walked off towards their rooms. How the hell do you lose someone?

— — — — — —

"EJ!" I yelled, throwing open his lab door. I heard a loud sigh as he turned around to face me. "Where's Heather?"

"I don't know where she is. Go bug someone else," he started, turning back to mix some chemicals together. I sighed and narrowed my eyes at the back of his head.

"You're really bad at having a proxy," I turned around and started to leave, being ignored by EJ. As I left, I ran into an unhappy looking Dark. Oh yeah... I left him in the middle of a conversation. I smiled at him as he walked over.

"Okay, why did you leave?" he started, grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

"I wanted mac n cheese, specifically Heather's, so I went to go look for her and I couldn't find her and EJ doesn't know where she is. So now I lost a friend and my dinner," I explained, sighing as we walked into the kitchen.

"If you were hungry, you should've-" at that moment, the door in the kitchen that led outside, opened and was slammed shut. It was Heather and she was panting heavily. Her clothes were also pretty rough as her shirt was torn at the bottom, her pants were ripped in multiple places with blood staining them, and her hair was poofier than normal.

"What the hell happened to you?" I questioned.

"You see," she started, catching her breath, "EJ wanted me to go to the store to get something, and it was Black Friday, so I just ended up getting lost in the crowds for a while. And then on trying to get to the house, I got chased by the Rake, who uh, did not take kindly to me stumbling upon his 'home.'"

"EJ YOU ASSHAT YOU KNEW WHERE HEATHER WAS!" I yelled across the house, making Sally and Ben look at each other and give me a questioning look. They looked into the room and saw Heather before looking st each other.

      "The rake?" Ben questioned.

       "Uh-huh," Heather replied, attempting to smooth down her hair. After a couple of seconds she took one final deep breath and walked out of the room towards her and EJ's room. I looked at Dark before he just sighed and shoved me away. I smiled and skipped along after Heather until I heard talking. I poked my head into EJ's room and saw him take the bag from Heather and pat her head.

        "Literally everyone pats me on the head. Why." she mumbled, crossing her arms and starting to walk out the room.

       "Because you're short and you have puffy hair. Now go take a shower and clean the cuts then I can take care of the rest," he replied before seeing me. "What do you want Skylor?" his tone shifted from a light hearted one to an annoyed one. OH! I SEE HOW THIS IS GOING! Once Heather went to her room and shut her door, I waltzed over to EJ and looked up at him.

"You like Heather."

"I do not." He hesitated just a bit before replying. Like hell he doesn't. Liar.

"Bitch, you talked to her in a light hearted voice, didn't get mad at her for taking two days to get whatever it is that she got you, and I'm a girl. One that isn't as oblivious as Heather," I started, "so tell me... when did you start having feelings for her?" He stared at me for a second before sighing and crossing his arms.

"When you dared me to kiss her. Happy?" I smiled and nodded, "now don't say anything to her."

       "I won't, but you gotta say something to her, otherwise she won't even notice. She's oblivious as fuck, like I mean, you say something subtle and it'll go straight over her head a thousand times."



       "Aight, so why are you going for a walk? In the woods we both know the rake lives in? Alone?" I questioned, looking at Heather.

"Well, first of all, I'm not going alone. Liu is going with me, and he's going to show me the safer areas that the rake doesn't go in. Then he's going to show me how to fight better, because we both know I suck at fighting," she replied, crossing her arms as Liu walked into the room. He gave me a soft smile as he walked over and pat Heather on the head. "EVERY TIME! WHY?!" Heather yelled, making both Liu and I laugh.

"Wow, this really does happen all the time, I thought you were just saying that," I snickered, getting a glare from her.

"You ready Heather?" she nodded and they left. Hmm.... I feel like I accidentally created a love triangle by saying Heather likes him and EJ. Whatever. She can deal with that on her own. As for right now, I have other plans to attend too. Like making Plan MCHv2 become a reality. If you haven't guessed it by now, Masky and Hoody. I smiled to myself before walking out of the room and walking into Ben's, where he and Dark were already plotting. They were using one of those big dry erase boards that you can flip around to hide stuff, and honestly, on the back was just a bunch of scribbles that the three of us had just doodled making it believable.

"How's MXHv2 coming along?" I asked, making both of them jump and turn around to face me. I love scaring them, it's so much fun. Hehehe.

"It's coming along great if you don't count the fact that neither of them are gay. Both of them are straight. That may cause a problem..." Dark sighed. "It was a good thought though."

"Damn it. Can we back this up to plan version three? Do we have anyone else in the house that starts with an M or an H?" I questioned, hoping that maybe erosion three could work.

"Uh..." Ben started, "there's Herobrine.... and that's all. So uh.. neither version will work," he flopped himself on his bed. "Maybe we should give up match making, we suck."

       "Never! We will make a plan happen! Who's not in a relationship that we could ship?" I erased the board and made two columns; in a relationship, and those in forever alone. I put Toby, Clockwork, BP, and Judge Angels in the relationship side before starting to put everyone else on the other side since no one else was in one.

       "Alright, so we have a lot of people who are single forever who need relationship advice," Dark started, putting a hand to his chin, "what if we tried putting Kate and Masky together?" he raised an eyebrow at me and I thought about it. That would be as cute as it could be for two murderers who are also proxies to one of the most well-known and feared Creepypasta's.... hmmm...

       "We'll see," I wrote another column that was 'compatible matches' and put Masky/Kate underneath. And that was basically what we did for three hours. Come up with relationships that could end pretty well. We ended up coming out with a good deal of them. Masky/Kate, Hoody/Kate, Ann/Liu, Puppeteer/Sadie, and Jason/Sadie. So maybe I lied. Maybe that was all we could come up with. But you can't blame us, there are a limited amount of gay pastas and girls in the mansion.

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