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While Heather was out, I decided now was a good as time as ever to ask Jeff to finally do me that favor he owed me. I walked towards his room, knocking on his door. It took a few seconds, but he flung his door open before glaring at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" he questioned.

"I want you to repay that favor you owe me," I started, making him tilt his head. I sighed, "Remember a few weeks ago when you got your ass kicked by Skylor and she jabbed your knife so far up your ass you had to get me and you asked to keep this on the down low for a few favors?" He looked down cussing as he remembered, most likely to himself and Skylor as she was able to do that. And must I say, hearing the entire thing play out by Skylor and Jeff made it fucking hilarious.

"What do you want?" he questioned, crossing his arms while twirling a knife between his fingers.

"First, promise me you won't tell a soul about this," he gave me a questioning glance but after a second of mulling it over, he agreed. "I need something for Heather and while she's out I want you to go get it for me. I have to keep an eye on Masky and Hoodie while they're recovering."

"Look, if your asking me to go get some organs or some shit, you're asking the wrong fucking guy, EJ," he replied, scrunching his nose up at me.

"No, it's not that," I sighed, pulling out the picture from my pocket and handing it to him. He gave me another questioning glance before unfolding it and seeing that it was a picture of a small blue ring. "I need you to get me that for Heather. And I swear, if you tell a single fucking soul, I will tell every pasta in this house what Skylor did."

"I got ya' buddy," Jeff grinned, folding the paper back up and putting it in his pocket. "I'll be back in a couple of hours, need anything else?"

"No. Just the ring," I replied, making him nod as he walked out of his room and shut the door behind him. He gave me a bigger grin than ever before leaving. I really hope he doesn't fuck this up for me...

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Just as Jeff promised, he was back within a few hours. He handed me the small box containing the ring before giving me a salute and walking out of my bedroom. I smiled slightly under my mask before hiding the ring in a small box on top of my shelf, just out of Heather's reach. The perks of being a foot and a half taller than her, she couldn't reach anything up high. Then again, there was also the downside of her hiding something on the bottom shelf in the back of a cabinet, making me get down on my hands and knees.

Walking into the lab, I saw Masky and Hoodie sitting up, talking to each other. I was honestly surprised that Skylor, Ben, and Dark were able to get them to start dating. I mean, there was always the subtle hints they gave each other, it was pretty obvious, but I guess neither of them realized they were doing it until the three interjected.

"How are you two feeling?" I questioned, walking over to the fridge and pulling out a drink for the them.

"Better," Masky simply replied before taking his drink and practically chugging it down. Hoodie, on the other hand, just quietly replied a thank you before lifting his hood up and taking a small sip. The two couldn't be more different, but I guess the same could be said for Heather and I. And I guess, opposite's do attract.

"When you two feel up to it, you can leave. Just don't push yourself for a day or so," I explained, "I'll tell Slender that you two shouldn't go on any hard missions for a day or so." With that, the two got up and left the room, only for Dark to run into the lab.

"I think Skylor is dying," he started, making me raise an eyebrow. As he explained, I realize that he was just a dumbass.

"Relax," I started, "she's fine. It's just that time of month. How the hell have you not realized she's been doing this before?"

"Because she's always hidden it!" he replied, crossing his arms and looking down. I just shook my head. I was going to say something to him but decided against it and just shooed him out of the room before walking over and taking a jar out of my fridge.

The room felt oddly quiet without Heather around. She was usually always asking questions about me and the others, or we were making small talk or something. I guess I just don't realize how much she's grown on me. I remember when I used to enjoy the silence of being in here alone, and now? Now I can't think of a time when I wouldn't have her around me.

I sighed, taking a bite out of the kidney. I guess Skylor was right about me being head over heels for Heather, as she put it a while back. She and Heather usually do their clairvoyance for everyone every once in a while when they ask. I mean, I didn't ask, she just said she was gonna do it to see how Heather and I got along in the future so she knew if she had to kick my ass or not for hurting her. Turns out, she had nothing to fear as I was deeply in love.

My life sure has changed since the two of them got here. So far for the better, but who knows. Maybe they won't bring any bad news around.

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