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"So uh," I started, looking between Heather and EJ, "when's the wedding?" Heather just rolled her eyes at me as EJ sighed. They had been dating for what seems like forever now, but in reality it had been only a year. It was pretty funny, considering as soon as they got together I just screamed 'plan HxM v2 is in effect!' and Ben and Dark jumped at the motion and we ended up getting Hoodie and Masky together. It's great how everything just falls into place once something happens.

"Skylor, we're probably not gonna get married," Heather replied, "but I mean, if you and Dark get married, then maybe that'll change. You've been dating longer than we have."

"That's true," I shrugged, "But I mean, we might. Who knows? Anyways, wanna play some video games?"

"Nah, not right now, I gotta go out for a while for EJ," Heather started, getting a pat on the head by EJ which made Heather just sigh and give me a 'God damn it' face. It was great.

"I'm honestly surprised you haven't been fucking them up in a while," I replied, crossing my arms, "It seems just like yesterday that you were getting chased by the rake and breaking jars."

"That's because it was yesterday," EJ replied, sighing deeply. Oh yeah, hehe. It was pretty funny yesterday how Heather broke a jar. They apparently got into an argument and I went to see what it was about, but as soon as I walked into the lab, I just saw Heather narrow her eyes at him and push the jar off the table like one of those cat vines.

"You two make up quick, don't you?" I asked, looking between the two.

"It's a mix of he knows I'm right but also I don't want to be killed by him, so we end up dropping the conversation and agreeing that both of us are in a way right and wrong," Heather explained. I nodded, knowing the feeling. That's how it was with me and Dark most of the times when we argued.

"When are you getting back?"

"Probably not for a few days, she has to make a few stops on the way to the place and on the way back," EJ explained, "it's needed though." I gave him a questioning glance but didn't bother to question it. Dropping the subject, I went into the living room and saw that LJ, Liu, and Puppeteer were about to start a game of two on one pool. That's when they spotted me.

"Skylor!" LJ yelled, "Come be on my team so it's not two on one! Please!" He practically begged. I just chuckled before agreeing and walked over to help him lose. That's right. I suck at pool and I'm not afraid to admit that.

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"Do you remember the ring I asked you to get?" Dark questioned as he walked over to EJ and I. I nodded, which made him sigh in relief.

"Dark, even if I forget, you sent me a picture of it," I replied, pulling my phone out of my pocket, wiggling it, and putting it back into my pocket. He just gave me a smile and shrugged.

"Look, I just want the ring. It's a big deal, alright?" he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. I just gave a small chuckle as I looked up at EJ. He had begged EJ to borrow me for a quick job, as he couldn't ask Skylor to go get the ring and if he went out then she would get suspicious. That, and if he asked a few of the others in the house, they'd most likely spill the beans to her. So he just went to EJ.

"Yeah yeah, we know the spiel Dark," EJ replied, in a bored manner. "Alright Heather, I'll see you when you get back," with that he gave me a quick pat on the head before leaving the room. I just shook my head with a sigh, man Dark messed it up. He was gonna give me a kiss.

"Sorry," Dark replied, a dark chuckle escaping his lips, before turning on his heels and running out the room. I swear, every time EJ sees me off, he promises he's going to give me a kiss then someone walks in and he can't. Mother fuckers...

I sighed as I walked out into the woods, shutting the door and pulling my jacket closer to me. It was a pretty long walk out of the woods but I didn't mind it. Unless the rake started chasing me. Then I minded it. And when you speak of the devil, he shall appear. Hearing the hiss of the rake behind me, I gave a heavy sigh and started running at full speed away from the house, hearing the pounding foot falls of the creature behind me. JUST ONE GOD DAMN TIME COULD I NOT HAVE HIM CHASE MY ASS?!

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