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     It's been a few days since Slendy's family came to visit, and honestly, the only one Heather and I hate is Offender. Mainly because, as you can imagine, he's just wants sex with us and we're not about that life. Other than that, everything has been pretty normal. Well, if you don't count the amount of times Jeff has nearly killed me for pissing him off. It's great. We're like, best friends too. Then again, that's basically how mine and Heather's friendship is.

      "So, Jeff, you mad yet?" I questioned as I killed him again in Halo. He groaned as he glared at me. I had been spawn camping him for about five minutes now and I think at this point, he's just grown used to it. He sighed as I did it again before tossing the controller to the side and storming out. "Jeff, nooooo!" I called but he just walked out.

      "And you wonder why you don't have many friends," Heather commented as she looked over here. I stuck my tongue out at her. She just stuck hers out at me before turning around and going back to playing pool with Herobrine, Liu, and LJ. I shook my head and went to the campaign, though five minutes into the first level, I was dragged off by Dark.

      "Why am I being dragged off?" I questioned, though he just gave me a cheeky grin. I sighed as he led me through the forest. "Wait... am I being dragged off to go kill someone? Did Slendy approve?"

      "Yep!" he chuckled, "and for right now, you're going on missions with me. At least, until I think you're ready. Then I'll send you on missions and tasks by yourself."

       "Figured as much." We walked in silence for a while longer, until something hit me. "So uh, when are you gonna stop pretending you like me?"

      "Uh..." he replied. I just sighed and put a hand on his arm to see if I couldn't get a glimpse of when he would.  Though it just seemed to be either when we're coming back or another time we were in the woods. THAT. DOES NOT. HELP. "I was actually just about to ask you to be my girlfriend..."

      "Oh..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "definitely would be a yes to that." He fist pumped the sky and went 'yes!' quietly to himself, making me chuckle. After a little more walking, we came upon a lone house. It looked vaguely familiar. Where the fuck have I seen this house before? Once sneaking in and looking around, I realize that this was Heather's old house. Oh my God. "Why are we at Heather's old house?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

        "We're gonna kill her family. Slendy thought that it was a good idea that if you did it with me in case she might have regrets about killing them later on," he replied. Smart, smart. We ended up killing her parents and two of her brothers that came over for the holidays. Who knew that the two that came over would be the two that tormented her the most during her childhood. Sucks for them.

       Once our little murder spree was over, we left and went back to the house. Only to find Heather and EJ arguing over something, that apparently Ben started. Seems about right. Ben starting something and turning friends on each other. Though, what really took the cake and made EJ just kinda quit and go back to his room, was Heather's insult to him. She called him a snowflake. Her reasoning? She knows that no other cuss words effected him, so she had to get creative. And what better than a snowflake? She was basically calling him a delicate white boy. And if we know anything about EJ, he's not delicate, he will literally rip your throat out and eat it, and he ain't white. Not being racist, but he's grey.

       "Heather, what the actual fuck?" I questioned. Heather just turned to me and gave me a weird look.

       "Look, you know I'm terrible at coming up with anything, unless I'm writing or playing games. When it comes to anything else, I suck. Nicknames? Don't bother. Insults? The worst of the worst," she pointed out.

       "....Fair enough, you have a point," I replied. "Wait, when Slendy gave us our phones, did you put a nickname for everyone like you usually do? I wanna see their nicknames." Heather sighed and pulled her phone out before standing beside me and pulling up her contacts. A few others crowded around her and looked over her shoulder, snickering when they saw a few of their names.

     Not everyone had a nickname, like Sally, Nurse Ann, BP, and a few others, but the ones that did. Jesus. They were either accurate down to the T or just, what the hell? The one's that were pretty accurate were, Jeff aka Irritable Fucker, Ben aka Pervert, Dark was Pervert 2.0, Jane's was Angry Bitch, and Slendy was Slendy. The others were well... just... just take a look. Puppeteer was Poltergeist Prick, which wasn't all that far off but I mean, we don't talk to him much, Silver was Pokemon God, Herobrine was Satan, Slander was Journalist Slendy, Trender was Fashion Slendy, Toby was obviously Waffles, and Splendor was Happy Slendy. Masky's and Mine were probably the weirdest, mine being 'Bitchy Artsy Fuck,' which is pretty accurate, and Masky's was 'Trash Panda Mask' and she wasn't all that wrong. Still funny.

       "What the hell Heather?" Masky questioned, turning to face her.

       "I'm not wrong! You have a panda mask, but I was watching Infinity War and put trash panda, because it's kinda funny. What did any of you expect?" she questioned, narrowing her eyes at us.

        "Not that, obviously," Liu stated, "I just thought you left us as our names."

         "Well, I did for a few of ya'll, I couldn't think of something funny to put in my phone. Like, Irritable Fucker." She turned to Jeff and just smiled at him, "Sorry I'm not sorry for that."

"Bitch," Jeff concluded as he narrowed, or at least attempted too without his eyelids, his eyes at Heather. She only shrugged and took her phone back before turning and walking out the room.

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