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"Yo, EJ!" I yelled, walking into EJ's room. Slylor and I had finally gotten our own rooms, which upset Dark and made EJ pretty happy. Mainly because EJ was tired that he would stop waking up to me cuddling him and Dark was upset that he couldn't cuddle Skylor anymore. I looked around the room and saw that he wasn't in there, but I heard the shower going. Oh well, time to look for the next book. He has literally given me books upon books to memorize so when he finally gets Slendy to approve, I can go on missions, I guess? with him. I pulled a few books down off the shelf before putting them back, as they weren't the right book.

After a few minutes of trying to find the right book, I heard the shower turn off and EJ walked out a minute later with his normal attire on, his hair dripping wet, and no mask... HOLY SHIT HE DOESN'T HAVE A MASK ON! We both stared at each other for a couple of seconds before he realized that he didn't have his mask on. He put a hand up to cover his face and booked it over to his desk to put his mask on.

"If you tell anyone-" he started, anger lacing his words.

"EJ, I'm not gonna tell. I respect that you like hiding your face from the others. However, I'm gonna say this," he turned to look at me and I could tell he probably angry at me or ready to attack me if I said something out of line, "you're more beautiful than Jeff. You're actually probably more beautiful than half the idiots here in the mansion." At my words he jerked his head back slightly, like he was surprised that I would say something like that.

"You... you actually think... that?" he sputtered out. I turned around to face him and just gave him a look of 'are you fucking stupid?'

"I wouldn't say that if I didn't think it wasn't true," I shook my head and smiled, "just because you're grey skinned and eyeless, does not mean you can't be handsome. I also may have saw a video about what you looked like before you became Eyeless Jack ans thought you were cute... but I mean, still cute. I give you a ten out of ten in my book." He stared at me and stayed quiet for a second.

"Is this the same person who interviewed Quill?" I nodded and he just nodded to himself. "Thought so." He walked over to me before pulling down one of the books on the top shelf and handing it to me. "This is also the book you're looking for."

"Why do you have to put everything I need on the top shelf?!" I fumed, looking up at him. He chuckled and I could tell he was smiling at me behind his mask.

"It's fun to watch you struggle. If you need me for any reason, I'll be in my lab," he replied and walked over to the lab and shut the metal door behind him. I sighed and narrowed my eyes at where he was just standing. He could definitely be an asshole when he wanted to be. I just sighed and walked back to my room, seeing Skylor flipping through one of the books, looking up and giving me a face of disgust.

"How are you not like, grossed out by seeing all this?" she questioned, making me laugh and shrug.

"Because I've just grown used to seeing that kinda stuff? Look, I started taking classes on this stuff like three years ago, and I just don't care anymore. Though, I still can't watch The Hostel because of that one scene..." I shuddered just thinking about it. "How can one person be so stupid as to walk when literally all the tendons in your ankles have been cut? Like just why??"

      "Yeah.." She shuddered with me before shutting the book and tossing it onto the bed. "So, you an EJ, huh?" Skylor wiggles her eyebrows and I just shot her a glance.

      "I can for sure tell you, he doesn't like me like that. Though I think Tim likes me... which I honestly wasn't expecting..." she nodded at this and took the textbook, threw it onto the bed and shoved me out of my room before I could protest. After a minute of her just shoving me down the winding halls of the mansion, she finally shoved me into the gaming room, where Hoody, Masky, Liu, Herobrine, Puppeteer, and LJ were playing pool while Ben, Toby, Jeff, and Dark were playing video games.

     "Hey! You finally got EJ to let her out and play!" LJ cheered, grinning as he saw me.

      "Uh, I was actually forced to come out here by her, it's just, this happens all the time and I just don't complain anymore. She says I need to be something called 'social.'" I did air quotes around social, getting a good laugh out of the ones playing pool, well Herobrine didn't. I just assumed he rolled his eyes but he did give me a small smile and as for the others, they were too engrossed in their game to take notice of my comment. "So uh, why was I forced out here?"

      "Cuz, Ben, Dark and I all came up with a plan. So... GUYS WERE MAKING PLAN M-X-H START!" She yelled, getting their attention. One of them paused the game before the two of them scrambled to get up, Ben flipping over the couch and landing on his face before getting up as Dark ran over. Both had large grins on their faces and were way too excited for whatever this plan was. Wait...

    "Please tell me M-X-H isn't what I think it is..." I sighed as Skylor nodded and I put a hand to the bridge of my nose. "Jesus Christ..." looking up and to the others, who were all confused, I just turned to Masky. "Masky, uh, you might.. you might want to run."

      "Wha-" before he could even finish the word, Dark was already shoving him out the room and I was being dragged out by Skylor while Ben skipped out after us.

     "Remember us!" I yelled as I tried to get away, but with no luck. After about a minute or so of the three forcing Masky and I outside and leading us somewhere, only for us to be led to a small area of the woods that had a picnic basket and blanket spread out. "Masky, I told you to run."

     "I didn't know what was going to happen!" he shot back, before turning around to see that the three were already gone. "Why."

      "Because Skylor knows that EJ doesn't like me and that you do so if she can't get me and EJ to be together, she's going to try and get us to be together because she doesn't want me ending up forever alone. And she already knows that once she's done tormenting Dark and leading him on and turning him down time after time, she'll say yes and stay with him." Masky turned to me and I could tell by the way he just stared at me quietly for a few minutes, he was grasping what I had said and trying to reply to that. Though, I don't think he knew exactly how to reply to that.

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