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     I hit the button for the alarm as the alarm clock went off. I tried to sit up, only to find a weight holding me down. The hell? I rubbed my 'eyes' and raised an eyebrow as I looked down and saw someone asleep curled up on my chest. THE FUCK?! Wait- Heather? Right... she had to sleep in here because she doesn't have a room... WHY THE FUCK IS SHE SLEEPING ON MY CHEST THOUGH?! When I looked back down at her she was peacefully asleep, her brown hair covering most of her face and one arm resting on my chest beside her head. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this looked like a scene from a movie or a book and we looked like a couple that gets along. However, I knew better. And we are not in a movie or any of those books. This was real life and she's going to get a piece of my mi- holy shit, did she just kitten sneeze in her sleep? She just kitten sneezed in her sleep. Out of everything in life, that was probably one of the cute- NO STOP IT! YOU DO NOT HAVE A SOUL! DO NOT GET SUCKED INTO... THAT!

      I shoved Heather off of my chest more or less before getting up and picking my mask up and putting it on. I'm surprised that she was able to fall asleep before me and I was able to wake up before her so I didn't have to wear my mask while I slept. I mean, I've done it before when I'm out on my jobs, but I haven't had to wear it here in the house while asleep. But it was still a large risk for me, so for however many more nights to come, I should continue to wear my mask until she has her own room.

Once doing my morning routine, I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Heather already up and grabbing some clothes before she moved passed me into the bathroom. She shut the door behind herself as I looked towards the bookshelf. It was... weird, to say the least, now that I have a proxy of my own. Usually, I don't have the chances to have one, but now that's changed.

Pulling one of the many medical text books down, I flipped through the pages to see if this was the 'beginners' one. I pulled a few more down before setting them on my bed and going back to my bookshelf. I would have to get rid of all these computer books when she gets her room. Hearing the bathroom door open, I looked over and saw Heather drying her hair with a towel. She threw it into my hamper before shoving her clothes into her bag.

"So, I think for the next couple of days, I'm just going to let you fix the computers that Jeff broke, learn some anatomy and medical terms and procedures and train. Just so you don't die within five minutes of living here," I explained, getting a nod from her. I motioned for her to follow me as I led her to the library in the mansion before over to the computers to one of the walls. She sighed when she saw the damage that had been done. Some of the monitor screens had been sliced, their towers were broken and dented, and the keyboards had buttons missing and one still had a knife sticking straight through it.

"I hope Jeff knows, I'm going to kill him for harming these computers," she walked over picking up the keyboard with the knife through it, "mainly because you can't just fix the screens on a computer, we have to replace those, the keyboards need replacing- at least this one, the others I might be able to salvage- some of the towers, Uh... they might need to be replaced..." she unplugged one of the towers before opening the panel and hung her head at the damage.

"If you're wondering what he was looking at to make him want to do this, Ben recommended some fan fiction and he got angry because the reader thought he was angry, but he wanted to see how the story ended," I shook my head at how stupid Jeff was. Like seriously. He destroyed five or six computers just because he got mad at a book. Like seriously?

"Well, at least these computers were old, if they were new I'd be crying right now," Heather turned to face me, "I'll just buy the house some new computers. And if Jeff destroys one of them, I will personally slap him."

"And here's the library!" A voice called behind us. When I turned around, I saw that it was Dark showing Skylor around the house. I should probably do that too, otherwise she might wander into Jeff's room and get herself killed.

"What happened to the computers...?" Skylor questioned, tilting her head to the side as she looked over.

"Jeff happened, now Heather's sad," I turned back to see Heather pulling apart one of the towers.

"Not really, these computers were like, early nineties old, so I'm over it. I'll go out with Tim some other time and get new ones for ya'll," she sighed, setting a motherboard down on the table and taking the knife out of the keyboard.

"Heather you know that thingy I can do?" Skylor questioned, getting a nod. "Watch this." She held her hands out towards me and I just raised an eyebrow. However, I started to feel the warmth get sucked out of me. What the fuck? I looked down at Skylor and she just smiled, "Your warmth is mine now, muhahaha!" Skylor then proceeded to waddle behind Dark and hug herself.

"One: how did it work on EJ, he's dead," Heather started, "two: I'm assuming Dark found this out the hard way, and three: do it to Jeff. Freak him out." Skylor laughed as she agreed to the second and third one and shrugged off the first one. We then left so I could show Heather around the mansion before taking her back to my room to go ahead and read up on everything. Once she started doing that, I left the room to go to Slendy and tell him that Heather is going to just replace all the computers whenever she and Masky can go shopping.

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