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    I sighed, putting down the test tubes. Figuring that I needed an extra set of hands to help me mix some of the liquids to make new ways to um.. help.. my victims, I left my lab to go get Heather. She has been helpful in many ways and not as annoying as I thought she would be, but still annoying. As I walked across the hall, I noticed that she wasn't in there nor in her bathroom. Okay, where the fuck did she go? She literally just had lunch not even an hour ago, I know she can't already be getting a snack and I know she would just abandon reading. She literally only has this book left. She told me she's rather give up her free time early on and just get all the reading out of the way early on so she could help me more.

     I walked back out of the room and walked into the gaming room, to see everyone in there very confused. What did I miss that made everyone so confused? I tilted my head and was about to say something until LJ spoke up and just told me what happened.

     "So.. Skylor, Dark, and Ben room them against their will for a plan called M-X-H to happen? What the hell is plan MXH??"

      "Uh, Masky x Heather, duh," Skylor replies, walking into the room, crossing her arms and looking very proud of herself. "Look, EJ, we wanted it to be EJxH but we all know that you're not romantic in any way, shape, or form. And you don't really like Heather. So, we went for who Heather likes second most. We will move down her like list if we need too so she won't be forever alone."

      "Her like list, what?" LJ questioned.

      "Basically the people she likes, like, more than friends from most to least. It's EJ, then Masky, Liu, Toby, Herobrine, Ben-though she questions why she likes you as you're pretty perverted and she doesn't want to lose the small amount of innocence she has left- and Hoody. Everyone else she wouldn't date cuz like she just doesn't want to cross the threshold of ghost, she's not a big fan of some of you-Jeff- or you're not really human, already dating, knows you like someone else or figure you do, or she just doesn't find you attractive."

      "Should you really have just told us who she likes?" Liu questioned, "I mean... isn't that like.. kinda personal...?" he had a small amount of blush rising to his cheeks, which made Skylor chuckle and put a hand on his back.

"As long as none of you tell her, she'll be okay. Just... don't be stupid around her."

"Something tells me she already knows..." Jeff started, holding back a laugh and pointing behind me. When I turned around I saw that Masky and Heather were standing there.

"Really? Really Skylor! You had to say that!" She huffed, "Just for that, Dark, she has had a crush on you for the longest of times and really likes you, she's just being an ass to you because she can. Ben, if Dark wasn't here at the house she would've totally fucked you." With that she walked back to her room and shut the door. Jeff blew out a low whistle.

"Wow, talk about tension," Jeff stated as Ben and Dark looked at each. That lasted about point three seconds before Ben lunges at Dark and they started fighting. Skylor sighed and facepalmed.

"EJ, go give Heather a cookie or something. She'll feel better and will most likely forget this in about three days," Skylor shooed me away as she went over to Ben and Dark before pulling them apart and slamming their heads together, making them look at her and stop fighting. Wow, I never thought that she would get them to stop fighting. I waited a couple of second to see if anything would happen before turning and walking to Heather's room. I was about to just enter but decided against just opening the door and barging in. Instead, I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

     "If it's Skylor, go the fuck away, if it's anyone else, you can come in," she called from inside. Damn. She really doesn't like Skylor right now. I opened the door and stepped in, seeing Heather at her desk and flipping through the text book. She turned to look at me for a second before going back to her reading. "Need something?"

"I need your help. Meet me in my lab," with that I left the room and walked to my lab. I heard her a few feet behind me and had her shut the door when she got into the lab. Though, she's been in here enough times to know that I like having the door shut and didn't need me to tell her to shut the door. Finally, someone who gets that the door needs to be shut. "I need to mix these together at once. So hold this and stir when I pour them in." I commanded. She nodded and took one of the breaker and stirring rod from me. Once I poured the four liquids in, she started to stir them together, turning the concoction into a turquoise color. Hmm... that doesn't seem right... I thought for a second and went to a cabinet and looked around before finding a bottle of a sickly green liquid. Ah, maybe this is what I was missing? I took out a dropper and popped the cap open before taking a few drops out and adding them into the beaker. Heather continued to stir and the turquoise liquid now turned to a pink tone. Yep, that's what I was missing.

"So what's this supposed to do exactly?" Heather tilted her head to the side a little as she looked up at me.

"Well, if I'm correct, and I usually am, this should basically freeze someone's muscles so they can't do anything. However, it shouldn't mess with the lungs, so you can at least breathe," I explained, taking the beaker from her and filling a syringe. I set the beaker down before turning to Heather.

"If I die because you were wrong, tell Skylor she's an asshole," she sighed before outstretching her arm. I chuckled to myself before sticking the needle in her arm and injecting the serum.

"It should only take a few moments for it to start working..." I trailed off, seeing Heather's motions slow. "I have no idea how long it will last though..." she narrowed her eyes at me, I just shrugged as an answer before filling test tubes with the pink liquid and labeling them before going over to my fridge and pulling out a jar. I contemplated on eating the kidney in front of her before just saying fuck it and shutting the door. Walking over, I hopped on the counter and pushed my mask up and took the kidney out of the jar and started to eat, which would've earned me a look from her if she wasn't frozen, persay. "You've already seen my face, I don't care." I sat on the counter for around thirty minutes before the injection started to wear off. She immediately started to move her muscles before giving me a look.

"Well I didn't die, and I don't seem to be dying," I nodded.

"Yeah, I don't kill with injections. I have to eat the meat afterwords and it would just be a waste if I killed them before their bodies could fully flush it out of their system."

"Good point," she replied. After our short conversation and a bit more mixing of liquids and seeing what they did, she went back to her room to finish the book and I started putting everything away.

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