The Middle of a "Golden Age"

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Hey everybody this is Carpboy009 and INSPIRATION!

So it's been a while and i've been doing a bunch of stuff while i've been gone. I got a new job... Been tryna make some money, my sleep scheduale won't allow me to stay up anymore past 11 because i'm getting old for fresh outa high school kid.

Either way, it's been a while since i got into the writing game again so i figured i'd get my inspiration back by writing something like this.

I've been playing a lot of watch dogs 2 recently... You can figure out where it's gonna go from here.

YEs it is a Watch dogs 2, RWBY crossover. But not like you'd think.

Instead of Marcas and the Deadsec gang being teleported to the RWBYverse... Why not just make them both share the same world for this story. for now here's the better summary I promised.

Deadsec, a recent hacker organization, labeled terrorists by the kingdom of Atlas, has been trying to fight back against the Remnant governments due to a lack of communication from them on global and political issues. Not to mention that with the technical wonders from Atlas and the science know-how from Mistral, the CTOS program was born and created, only to be owned and controlled by the most powerful of people in the world of Remnant, including the Headmasters of the Huntsman academies, government leaders and their most trusted loyalists.

DeadSec was created when the CTOS program was found to be stalking and following the citizens of the world. So when CTOS 2.0 was created, everyone just ignored what happened in the past and allowed this new future to exploit them even more. DeadSec however would not allow for it to happen. They will keep fighting the corruption on a technical level and occasionaly deal with a Grimm problem here and there when need be. But don't be fooled. Just because they're computer smart, doesn't mean they aren't tough as steel.

Summary needs work but by the time i post this it should be better. ANyway enough with the beginning let's get to work. By the way i'm making the main cast of Watch Dogs 2 just a little younger to fit in more with the RWBYverse. It'd be weird if early twenty year olds were still haning out with 15-17 year olds right? Anyway... To the story!

just to let you guys know, this story will have no romance, mainly friendship and all that jazz. also this first part is just mainly the beginning of the game but in later chapters is where the main crossing over will take place. for now this memo is done, this chapter is done. i'm going to bed. enjoy.

This is a fanfiction- BUY THE MERCHENDICE!

Remnant has been a place of tradition since the time mankind had first walked the earth.

People, as well as the ages have evolved over time and with the people, came the tools they used to gain an advantage over the creatures of Grimm, over the forces of nature... Or over their fellow man. When Mankind created the first electrical spark a new era had begun. We are now in the middle of a golden age of technology. Where small things like a piece of glass in your hand can hold all the knowlege in the world with a swipe of your finger, to the big things like metal ships that can fly through the sky, creating travel that is much safer than braving the untamed wilderness below.

With this golden age came time for the kingdoms of Remnant to evolve with the time. We now find ourselves in an internet of things. Where everything is connected. everyONE is connected. And where ANYone can access your personal information with a push of a button. Where anyone can take your identity and use it to their own personal gain. From a random stranger half way across the world to the government taking advantage of your hard earned money. We live in an internet of things.

Watch Dogs/RWBY: Against the upper powersWhere stories live. Discover now