A Morning with DedSec. A Recruits Beginning.

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Alright people, Chapter 9...

Not gonna lie. I've been working on this story a lot recently. Probably because i feel like if i don't complete this one, i'm gonna let it sit like i've done for the others.

I've been working on them too... Just not as much as i could. That and i'm not as inspired at the moment like i am here.

Once i'm done with this, 100% going into the others.

Otherwise, i'm enjoying writing this, even if a whole lot of people aren't really reading this so it's cool.

Anyway lets get into the story.

This is a Fanfiction- Buy THE MERCHENDICE!

Marcus was sitting in the bus taking him to the center of the city. Why he was taking the bus? He was bored and didn't want to walk.

What? Not everyone needs to walk everywhere.

When it stopped he walked up to the bus driver and gave him a few lien tip as he climbed out. He did a double take of his surroundings before walking into the park towards the meeting place. He got a call from the DedS3C Ch4nnEl and answered. Sitara and Wrench were on the line. "Alight, so you mind telling me why your meeting with Ruby again, Marcus? I'm still lost on why you gave her a burner scroll in the first place." He rolled his eyes. He knew that Sitara had every right to be confused but he already told her.

"I thought i told you." He voiced his thoughts in his head. "I can't just tell these Huntsmen the truth, they need to see it for themselves. I figured that since she's the leader of the Huntresses after me and her being the most trustworthy out of the bunch, I'd show her a few things. Show her what DedSec is all about."

"Ok i get that but... When did you ever tell me?"

"I... I think it was last night? I don't remember."

"that explains it. Last night all i remember was something about Art, Wrench's mask and you mumbling to yourself after having a few drinks."

"AW! I'm a mumbler? Damn. I thought i was one of those intellectual drunks."

"In your dreams." she teased.

"So, is Josh still working on the Zero Day virus?"

Wrench finally spoke up. "Ha! After last night? He crashed so hard i wouldn't be surprised if he slept until tomorrow. But from what i saw before i left, he did a SHIT ton of work. At least a few weeks worth before even starting on the virus. I didn't go through that system cause you know... Don't mess with Josh's software but i guess he's either close or already done if he finally sat down to crash like he did."

Marcus just smiled at the thought. "That's good. Sitara you take care of our boy. He's earned a break."

"Already got a blanket over him and the pain killers ready for the migraine when he wakes up... He's gonna feel it."

"I'll bet. You almost ready Wrench? What have you got on lead we got this morning?"

"Yep, i got something lined up for you two. I'll meet you at View point 5... Just promise that the Huntress won't try to kill us."

"She won't try anything. She knows better."

"Alright, i'm with you Marcus."

"Aight guys. Keep in touch." He hung up and leaned against a tree in the middle of the park. He sat there and pulled out his scroll. He waited for the time before he got a message on it. It was from Ruby.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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