The Aftermath of Dawn and a Change in Major Plans

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Hey everybody carpboy009 here.

Chapter 4 is here and i'm getting more and more into this. So... Let's just jump right in.

Ruby was sitting on her bunk finishing up the settings on her new scroll. Paid for by Beacon and fresh form the Vale, Blume factory with CTOS already programmed inside. Same as every other scroll but this time it had the security of CTOS on her side to stop hack attempts like last time. When she was done she set the glass off to the side and laid back. She was trying to think of a perfect plan to capture that guy with DedSec.

She went over lots of different scenarios on how they would be able to catch him. But after what happened last night, DedSec now had everything that Beacon had. Including student files. Which meant that if he didn't know much about them before, he definitely knew a lot now. It's something that she had been trying to think past that but it only meant that he knew their weaknesses. Something that Weiss made abundantly clear while all of them were trying to come up with a plan.

Weiss was currently arguing with Blake and Yang about the best idea to catch him. "I say we locate where his stay is, contact the police and be done with it. Let them handle the crook like they should."

Blake then voiced her opinion. "The best option is to find him and then follow him until we know where he stays and then catch him ourselves. The police won't know how to contain a hacker since all of their jail cells oporate on technology. He could just walk out. We need to keep him locked up here at Beacon, take all of his technology and THEN give him to the police."

Of course Yang wasn't going to be ignored. "You ask me, we should find him and then take him down. I still want payback for him tricking me and then whacking me with that thing he had. We find him and beat some answers out of him until he tells us if there are other DedSec people around."

More talking was thrown around until Ruby voiced her choice. "Well... What if we find him and just talk to him... I mean, what is he trying to do? Blake, didn't you say he was trying to fight for privacy or something?"

"He said he was trying to fight back against the governments using technology against us... But that's not true right?"

"Well, if we find him, he still has to go to jail but... We need to talk to him. Find out what we can without violence and then see what we can do from there but for now... All we should focus on is finding him."

"Right." (R)WBY voiced out. Ruby's scroll beeped and she pulled it out. "GUYS! DedSec just posted another video!" She hopped down and sat on Weiss' bed again as the team crowded around to see the small screen together.

(Skip to 2:12 for clip)

"Did they force Jimmy Siska into that? They had to right?" Weiss asked.

"I don't think they did... Look here." Blake said pulling up her scroll next to Ruby's. "It's all over the internet now. Documents regarding New Dawn making millions in a matter of days once new members join. Others talk about Jimmy's claims with local Vale police. And... Information about missing church members being taken out of the Kingdom... To never be seen again..." It was horrifying news indeed.

"I think after this, father is going to try and sue the company... And he already did." She said once Blake scrolled down to a document titled, "Schnee sues New Dawn" along with a summary of the document.

"So... Wait, doesn't that mean that DedSec HELPED people by hacking into the church. I mean think about it. People were getting KIDNAPPED and this guy stopped them from doing it again. Look. Already a document saying Vale is closing down the Vale Branch of the New Dawn church." Yang showed her scroll to the gang to show her point.

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