chpt 1

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*Cerise's outfit above

Cerise's pov:

So there I was bunking school, just laying on my bed with the 5,000 in my hand. "Sweetie" Moon knocked and came in, she looked at me and sighed "you know the money is due the vehicle not for looking at" she said leaning against the doorframe, I sighed"I know but he always came back for my birthday and now he isn't." My dad, will Lennox was in the army, normally he would always come back for my birthday, but this time he Skyped but we're lost connection the day before, and today we got the news that his base was attacked and no survivors were found, depressing right. Me and my dad were extremely close, literally and the last present he ever have me was the money in my hands to but a vehicle, we were supposed to do it sighed,"I'll leave you be" she said while shutting the door, hallway shut she said "he's alive you know" and with that she shut the door. I sighed my life was a mess and then my phone rang,"hello" "CeCe! Hey girl, I heard what happened, I'm so sorry." "It's okay miky" "I know it's not a good time but can you come to the lake party??" I sighed it wasn't the right tone for a party, especially since Trent, the dickhead  jock of our school and also her boyfriend, who by they way have broken up a few times before and came back like the next day, will be there. Personally I don't like Trent and don't ask me how Miki and he get along, well it's just that she has a thing for big muscles... Fine I do to but not as much. "You know forget it don't come it's okay." Miki said "no I'll come" "you sure??" "Positive, plus I'll get a reason to kick Trent on the balls" she giggled"pick you up at 8" and line went dead. Just as I put my phone down another person called,I picked up"sup Sammy" Sam is my what you call nerd friend, the only boy who doesn't get noticed and loves the most popular girl (I'm the first popular but he didn't like me, thank God) miki. "Hey CeCe, heard the new and I was calling to say I'm grieving for ya" "thanks" "I'm going to a junk yard to get a car with my dad, you're the best person I know who loves cars so...." " I'll come, I anyways need to get a vehicle" "great I'll text you the address." "Sure bye" I sighed and hoped of the bed, exciting my room I yelled"mom I'm going to get a vehicle with Sam,!!" "Bye sweetie" I shut the door. Looking at the address that Sam sent,"bobby b's huh not far a walk from here, might at week Go for a jog"

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