chpt 4

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Cerise pov

I think I'm falling for Sam

Yup that's the type of message I get from Miki at 7 in the morning on a Sunday..

Cerise : say what now??!

Miki: seriously, he was at the party   yesterday and then I dumped Trent and-

Cerise:WHAT!!??2 miraculous things happen when I'm not there!???NOOO😫😫


Cerise : continue plz stop laughing at me😠

Miki: anyways he dropped me home and all and yeah pretty much it

Cerise : was it that much only...😏😏😏

Miki :don't worry we didn't do anything bad.... You idiot, anyways wanna hang out at the cafe Lizzie and some other girls are coming

Cerise:ohhhh are we celebrating the dumping of dimwitted asshole you called 'boyfriend'??

Miki: well only you and me the others are moaning my loss


Miki: I know anyways you coming??

Cerise:🤑🤑 yup

Miki :see you there😘

I put the phone down and got ready
*Outfit above
"Mom! I'm going out! Be back by say..." I looked at my watch it was 7:30"be back by 9!!" "K honey want done breakfast?" " Nope I'm headed to the cafe love you" I got my keys and ran out. After a short drive I reached the cafe, "hey !" "Hey CeCe I ordered cold coffee for you okay?" "Thanks" I smiled and sat down. " Omg it's all over insta that you broke up with Trent look at this cute animation!!!" Lizzie said showing us her phone.. there  stood an animation of animated Miki throwing Trent in a dustbin" my I must say whoever did it is talented" I coughing to cover up my laugh as Miki rolled her eyes " here's your latte and cold coffee" a cute waiter with brown messy hair said handing us our drink"thanks" I smiled, he went and came back with a peice of paper and handed it to me "if you need anything call me" He winked and walked away looking back at the girls they all had stupid grins on their faces " don't get ideas " I warned "how is it possible that cute guys only come to but not to us literally we're a whole group of hot girls and only YOU got his number ??!" Lily another girl said "well here's his number he's cute but not me" I said sliding th paper towards them, just at that moment Sam did a flip on his mom's bike and fell in his back...hard"Sam you okay??" I asked worried "that was cool Sam" Miki said politely " thanks i hope it did cause it hurt bad he said getting up " gotta go Satan's Camaro is after me!!" He yelled and rode off. Miki looked at me "say what now??"

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