chpt 9

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I felt the seat vibrate and get warmer then a calming (but very hot) deep voice pulled me out of my slumber "cerise we have reached " I yawned and sat up "thanks Optimus" I smiled as the seat belt unraveled around me and let me go hopping out, Sam ran over to me "you and Mikaela stay here and watch them " he said and ran towards his house" yeah sure we'll watch 50 ton robots who are like wayy bigger than us no problemo" I grumbled besides Miki and she giggled. We watched on as Sam started talking to his dad making sure he didn't come out, suddenly a metal hand reached down to my level looking up I saw Ironhide. I gladly hopped on " hey " " hey kiddo"he replied placing me on his shoulder "if you wanna activate the gun make your hand into a fist fingers facing upwards and turn it fingers facing downwards" I nodded and did as told rotating my hand the bracelet glowed and materialised around my hand

 I gladly hopped on " hey " " hey kiddo"he replied placing me on his shoulder "if you wanna activate the gun make your hand into a fist fingers facing upwards and turn it fingers facing downwards" I nodded and did as told rotating my hand the brac...

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(I know it's a grapple hook glove but plz imagine it isn't )

(I know it's a grapple hook glove but plz imagine it isn't )

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(Imagine this being the top of the gun)

(Imagine this being the top of the gun)

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(This is how the bracelet looks)

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(This is how the bracelet looks)

"Now that streetlight is the target so lift your so the gun is facing right-" I interrupted him by shooting perfectly in the middle shattering the light, I looked at him "did I mention my dad was in the army ?" I smirked "no no you didn't " I smiled and he placed me down I flicked my wrist and the the gun materialised back into a bracelet. I ran over to Sam who stood in the once beautiful garden as he shouted at Optimus for destroying the fountain "GOD I told you to stay !!!!" Sam yelled "Sam you can't yell at them their desperate go find those glasses" I defended Opi( huh I just made up that nickname yeah I'm definitely keeping it his name's toooo long) Sam rolled his eyes "sorry 'bout him I apologised to opi, he smiled at me and dropped his hand to the ground I hopped on and sat on his shoulder "don't worry I think I'm getting him stressed but I'm just worried that the deceptions might get them"he stated to his barritone voice" woah" Sam yelled and looked in their direction "you have a rodent infestation"Ironhide stated pointing his cannons at a very scared Mojo "he peed on you bad Mojo" Sam scolded and Ironhide mimicked him "I'm sorry it's male a dominance thing " Sam stated (I think) "uggh thats gonna rust "Ironhide sneered while Sam ran into the house "here " Optimus offered me his hand an I gladly hopped on, he picked up Miki and set us near Sam's window"they really want those glasses"Miki stated as Sam helped us in after a while of searching in Sam's room the lights went "what the hell?!" I whispered cursed "here"ratchet said and switched on a bright light " Sam what's going on in there??" "Oh shit !" "Hide" Sam whispered "ratchet switch the light off" I whispered while me and Miki hid behind Sam's desk, after a while of fighting Miki decided to stand up and I followed suit "hi I'm Mikaela " Miki stated "ohhhh hi Cerise dear your here too?" "Yeah we were working on our assignment" I stated with a smile "ohhhh I'm sorry you had to here our family discussion" she apologized "can I say your really pretty both of you" "son I knew you liked a girl but I never expected you to hit on two!" His dad said "and both very pretty but honey I thought that you didn't like cerise as anything more than a friend-" "yeah mom I don't ahh do you know where my bag is ?" Sam asked "oh yeah its in he kitchen and we three raced down "your mom's nice" Miki stated "she is isn't she" I agreed just then the bell rang "um Sam ?" He rushed over to the door with the glasses in hand opening it a bunch of guys in black suits were grouped outside "are you Samuel James Witwiky?" "Um yes" the guy continued "you're coming with me" the guy smiled.

I know I changed majority of this chapter but it's a fanfic and it doesn't have to be the same,let me know what you'll guys think about it. Thx

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