chpt 6

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currently Miki was sitting on Sam's lap don't ask me how but it was because of his lame tactic while that was going on me and bee played 21 QUESTIONS. After a while I think Sam got fed up, "so bee-" Sam cut me off" okay stop playing 21 questions with my car!!!" " Mean" bee said through the radio" I agree" I said sitting back in the back seat " you know what I don't get" Miki whispered "Is that he's supposed to be a high tech robot and yet he looks like junk" as soon as she finished bee rammed the brakes and threw us out well except me "bee!!! What did you do that for ??" I yelled as bee drove suddenly he drove sideways making me hit my head on the window "oww" I groaned the entire inside of bee had changed from old to new .we drove up to a very shocked Mikaela and Sam, rolling the window down I yelled "get in !!" They hopped in and we were off again. After a short drive bee stopped. Getting out I looked towards the sky 4 flying meteors with firey trails were falling from the sky "guys look" I said pointing towards them. One landed near us and we all ran to look it had left a fire trail burning up all the grass in its path. "Message from Starfleet" bee said "we gotta go " Sam said as we got into bee

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