chpt 2

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Cerise pov:

After the jog I reached the yard, might I add a big JUNK in front of it, literally I think I smell something dead.. eww, I cringed walking in I spotted Sam and his dad talking to who I presume is the owner of this disgusting place, walking over the owner looks me up and down.. typical a-holes, his eyes landed on my chest, "hey asshole my eyes are here!" I growled sending him a death glare, he looked away and pulled Sam along with him, " hey mister witwiky" I smiled, Ron looked at me "hey there cerise how's you and mom holding up?" I sighed " good" he smiled at me"so ya here for a car?". He asked " nope bike " " go on look around kiddo, and if you wanna go someplace else tell me I'll drive ya, don't worry your mom" "thanks mister witwiky" I smiled and walked off "I'd go anywhere away from the creepy dude known as the owner of this shithole" I mumbled looking at the owner and Sam who I caught looking at me. Walking around the scrapyard I found an Chevy "not bad" I said "it's got racing stripes" Sam said from behind me, I shrugged "it's good for you but I want a bike" I said letting Sam get a better of the car. After a few minutes of strolling I spotted something black under some tarps. Lifting the tarp I gave a low whistled " a 2003 Honda CBR sitting in this junkyard I'd be damned!" I whispered running my hand on the side of the bike. It was a little dusty but still in good shape "hey  Bobby! How much for this bike?!" Bobby came up to me "well let's good paint... I'd say 5000?" "Deal" I replied handing him the money and he walked off counting the cash to sam. I rolled my eyes" once I'm done with you you'll look like you came out of a showroom." I smiled and took out my phone and messaged Miki;

Me: hey Miki don't pick me up for the 
        Party I'll be there myself

Miki: it's far away you won't be able to       
           Walk it out.

Me :dont need to walk I got a bike!!!

Miki: no way!

Me : yes way!

Miki: send a pic

Me : no can do sis it's a suprise I'll be at the party at 8 you'll have to wait till then😘 bye

*End of chat
I smiled suddenly a high pitched sound echoed through the junkyard shattering all the windows as and almost my ears I turned to Sam and the others to see Bobby holding up his fingers "4000!!"

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