chpt 3

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Cerise pov

*Lake party outfit above

"all done" I whispered as I put down the hose pipe, I had just finished washing my bike when mom came out with ana in her hands, "sweetie you did a good job in cleaning it up" I smiled "bwike!!" Ana sputtered and started laughing and splaying her hands around, she had just started saying few words, her first one was daddy and sadly dad wasn't here to hear it. I smiled and said " yes ana it's a bike, anyways mom I'm going to this party with Miki okay" she looked at me surprised and then smiled "okay honey but be back by 11 nothing later" she added sternly I smiled and kissed both their cheeks "yes mom" I ran up and threw on an outfit and ran back down to my bike. Getting on it I put the keys in, hearing it roar to life I smiled and drove off

*At lake party

As soon as I reached the party Miki ran over to me with a wide smile, "isn't it a beauty?"  "It's AMAZING how did you get this at a junkyard??" She exclaimed I chuckled " got lucky I guess" I shrugged I watched as Trent came up to us "nice bike Lennox" he said he leaned into my ear "I'm free today wanna swing by place for some fun ??" I looked to see Miki talking to some others, I turned to Trent smiling sweetly at him I took his hand and twisted it "if you even think for one second that I'd actually go out with an ass like you, ya got it wrong and what makes you think I'd cheat my friend huh? I swear Trent if you dare break her heart again and try to flirt with me again I'll break this hand and every other bone in your body" I snarled and let his hand go, I smirked as he scrambled away holding his  newly twisted arm, walking up to Miki i said " hey girl I'm gonna go K?" "You okay?" She asked worried "no just a certain jerk threw my mood off" she smiled and hug me goodbye as I hopped in my bike and headed home. Parking in the garage I headed up he porch I was just about to unlock the door, I tiptoed into my mom's room to find her passed out on the bed with anna, I smiled kissed her foreheads, covered them with a blanket and went up to my room. After changing i laid down on my bed looking at the picture above my desk and sighed, it was a picture of me and my dad before he headed for the army this year. "I miss you dad" and with that i fell asleep.

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