chpt 5

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"I'm gonna go check if he's okay " I said running over to my bike "I'm coming too" , Miki said as we rode of in the direction Sam went. We reached an old rundown bridge(I didn't see it properly in the movie, if anyone knows what it is please tell me) "sam!!!??? " I asked hopping off my bike and Miki did the same as we saw a very flustered and scared Sam rubbing our way"RUN!!!!" He yelled, knocking us down"Sam what the hell!!??" Miki yelled I groaned and sat up ,"ahhhhhh" Miki screamed I looked in the direction of where she looked and saw a big black robot with red eyes coming towards us " oh shit!!" I yelled and got up suddenly Sam's car drove up to us opening its doors for us and I jumped in strapping in I yelled at the fighting'couple' "get your asses in now!!" Jumping with fear they both died inside and the car took off while the robot transformed into a police car and chased after us. The chase continued down the street"omg where gonna die!!!" Miki started chanting " no we're not... Trust me he's a kick ass driver!!!" Sam yelled back as I say quietly frozen with fear. We all yelled as the car drove through a glass window, did a drift along with the cop car and drive of to a warehouse. "The Doors are locked!!" Miki yelled "no shit" I replied finally getting back to normal."hey at least ditched the robot"Sam did hopefully and at the second the cop car drove passed us... It stopped "I know you're not normal and I know you can hear so please go NOW!!!!" I yelled and the car drove straight with the cop car behind us. Throwing us out the car transformed along with the cop car and both got into a serious fight. The cop bot released this weird looking robot and we ran, it ran after Sam and pulled his pants down... Even though I was so tempted to click a pic I resisted it and picked up an iron rod and wacked the robot off him... Soon Miki found a razor and  sliced it's head off"not so tough now huh without your head!!!???" Sam yelled kicking it's head away from the body"let's go"I said dropping the iron rod and running to Sam's car who stood there with its hands on its hips,"what are you??" Miki asked "it's a very advanced robot... It's a Japanese robot yeah definitely Japanese"Sam replied I rolled my eyes "what's your name and what are you??" I asked again "visitors from heaven hallelujah!!...And... to answer.. your.. question.. it's ..bumblebee" It answered "are you speaking through the radio??"Sam asked "you're beautiful wonderful yeah" it said clapping it transformed and opened its doors" anymore.. Questions.. Your wanna ask??" I ran in"CeCe what are you doing?!!?" Miki sneered "well if it wanted to hurt us it would have done that already" I said  "plus 50 years from now if you look back at your life don't you wanna say you had the guts to get in the car?" Sam said following me. Miki sighed and ran in and bee drove off.

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