chpt 8

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After the explanation,the autobots transformed into their car forms,Miki and Sam hurried over to bee, walking over to Optimus I said"hey Optimus mind if I ride with you?" "Yes Mrs Lennox it would be a pleasure" I got into Optimus"and for the record my name's Cerise not Mrs Lennox that's way too formal for this" I said "very well Mrs- I mean cerise"he agreed and I smiled ,after a while of driving i asked" can I ask you something" " sure anything"he replied" okay if bee waited for Sam and all how did he go around for all those years or did he lands exactly when Sam bought the glasses?" "Bumblebee was on earth for centuries he waited until he was born also to disguise ourselves ratchet made us Holo forms" " ohhhh cool  can I see?"  " Mine isn't ready yet ratchet still has to give me mine" he answered" okay umm what are the car forms called are they even carried something??" "Altforms of what we call it" I smiled satisfied with all the answers, laying back in the passenger's seat. Looking in the rear view mirror I noticed that bee was behind us " umm Optimus do you know the way to Sam's house??" "No " " then I suggest you let bee take the lead" Optimus slowed down a bit and let bee take the lead. I yawned and laid back"I suggest you get get some rest Cerise" Optimus said and I nodded and I shut my eyes falling into a peaceful abyss of darkness the last thing I felt the seat belt tighten around me in a protective way and Optimus saying something in a weird language.

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