A day in the life of Tiffany Foster

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  • Dedicated to My grandpa R.I.P

Yep, that's me. Hello. My full name is Tiffany Marie Foster. I was seventeen, and lived in the shining state of California, not as glamorous as it sounds, trust me. I had lived here under the sunshine with my mother and my older brother Peter by a year.

California was practically always sunny in reality. Only under my head was always dense grey clouds which went in my direction and watched my every move.

Depression stalked me. Like on cartoons when they were sad and the grey cloud followed them everywhere they went. Only my sadness wasn't a cartoon, it was real. No one knew the real emotions and feelings that went on my head, they were trapped inside.

I was diagnosed when I was thirteen, when my dad left.

He was swift, quiet. Leaving in the middle of the night, packing up his clothes and disappeared, never to be seen again by me or my family. Leaving without a trace.

My heart was shattered. How could he suddenly disappear like that? More importantly, why?

To this day mom still searched and wonders, is he even alive? I was very close to my dad you see. It only hurt me more when I got the news that he had left us for all eternity.

Fortunately for us, my father owned his own insurance agency, which spead nationally, then globally. Allowing all of us to sit pretty. Fancy cars, servants, huge pool. A life everyone could only dream of.

I know if my mother found about me saying this, it would be my ass. But I would exchange every cent if I could hear my father's mellow voice again.

I will begin my story in the beginning of April, a season of rain for most. A season of dreadful rut for me.

I would casually roll out of bed in six thirty in the morning, shower, and take my medication. Who knew a little pink pill could do so much.

I attempted to dress in a cheerful mood, hoping it would hide how I really felt inside. I dressed in a pink cotton sun dress with white sparkled flats. Completing the look with a side pony tail and a charming necklace, finalizing my appearance with a dab of cotton candy lip gloss.

I couldn't deny my facial beauty, then my eyes skated my body. Ick. Even though I was told by many people I had a lovely figure, I managed to convince myself I was fat in one way or another and go a long time without a decent meal.

By entering the kitchen, I'm greeted by my mother, brother, and butler Thomas. A delectable breakfast laid out on the dining table. Stacked high with pancakes, toast, various fruit, milk, and juice. It sure was a meal fit for royalty.

"Good morning sweetie!" My mother in her cotton bathrobe. She kissed my cheek lightly.

"Hey mom." I grudgingly approached her.

I accepted her motherly kiss and sat down next to Peter on his right side. Watching the family feast on bacon and toast. My stomach growled and twisted into a painful ball. My mother carelessly chews a piece of toast in her mouth, irritating my stomach and ears.

"Tiffany? Aren't you hungry dear?" She prominently sipped her orange juice.

"No, not at the moment."

My first lie to her. One of many more to come.

"Oh. I invited grandpa out to the house today." My mother tried to make friendly conversation.

My grandpa, my Mother, and my brother are my only family.

He is my mom's father. Her mother,(my grandma), abandoned my mother at the hospital after she was born. She died of a drug overdose in a trailer park three years later. Smart choice leaving, huh?

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