Hurt Them Before They Hurt You ~ Heathers

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Heather Chandler.

She was the queen of Westerburg High School. People cowered before her. Boys wanted her and girls wanted to be her. She was said to have no weakness - no flaw.

People never realized that behind her facade rested a girl who had been taught to spread fear. A girl who had been hurt and pushed past the point of breaking. One that had learned early on to hurt others before they hurt you.

And she lived by that. As long as people were afraid, she never had to be. As long as people were vulnerable, she was invincible. And as long as others were hurt, she would never be again.


"Are you gonna cry, little girl?"

The mockery quickly drew Heather's attention. Her sharp gaze locked on a group of kids.

"Go run and cry to your rich daddy!"

Heather's heels clicked against the floor as she approached. "What the hell is going on over here?"

Like Moses parting the Red Sea, the people made a path at the sound of her voice. They revealed a short, blonde girl who Heather didn't know. Tears were welling in her pretty blue eyes and she looked fearfully up from the floor.

Heather blinked. Why. . . why did she see herself in this girl? Inside her head, she was reminding herself to not let anyone in, but her heart told her to reach out. Making the decision, she turned a cold glare on the ground. "If any of you want to graduate with the slightest hope of a good reputation, I suggest you scatter."

They did as told, racing away from the two. Heather huffed out and extended a hand to the yellow sweater-clad girl. "Come on. Get up."

The girl hesitantly allowed herself to be pulled up, unable to meet the eyes of the so-called queen. ". . . thank you."

"Who are you?" Heather placed a hand on her hip. She pushed back her guilt at the way the stranger flinched at her cold tone.

"Heather MacNamara." The girl whispered, rubbing her arm.

Heather raised an eyebrow, willing herself not to smile. "Well, Heather, I'm Heather Chandler." Her smile broke through at the girl's shocked expression. "You're new here?"

MacNamara nodded shyly. "They. . . aren't very nice here, are they?"

"Not in the slightest." Chandler scoffed. She took another look at MacNamara's vulnerable form and sighed. "Look, Heather, everyone at this school is out for blood. They find any weakness and they attack. There's only one way to make sure you survive."

MacNamara looked up. "How?"

"You attack first." Chandler held out a hand. "I can show you. If you show no weakness, they're powerless. If you attack their weakness, they're defeated."

MacNamara hesitated. "I. . . I don't want to hurt anybody."

Chandler dropped her hand, grabbing MacNamara's shoulders. The only thing she wanted right now was to protect this innocent girl. "Heather, they will hurt you. They'll hurt you until you're barely alive. They only way to protect yourself is to hurt them before they can hurt you. I want to help. But you have to let me."

MacNamara met Chandler's eyes, swallowed, and nodded. She was putting her trust in the crimson-dressed teen. Both of them prayed she wouldn't break it.


Heather Duke was a vulture. Both Chandler and MacNamara knew that. But she was lost and MacNamara - the ever-loving soul - wanted to let her in; give her purpose. Direction.

"Fine, but if it blows up in our face, I'm revoking your front seat privileges." Chandler had threatened, fully knowing she would never enforce it.

MacNamara had seen nothing wrong with Duke, but Chandler recognized the signs. She kept her at arms length and away from MacNamara. She would make sure Duke couldn't hurt either of them.

Every time she uttered a vicious "Shut up, Heather!", she shared a small smile with MacNamara, reassuring her that her trust was in good hands.

As it turned out, Heather Chandler had a weakness after all.


I am disgusted at myself. Ew. What is this?

Oh well. I'm too lazy to rewrite it. I'll just. . . meh.

See you in the next chapter or whatever.

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