Bonded ~ 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

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You can't stop me.


Middle school.

A frightening and exciting place for a handful of newbies. The school itself was large and filled with students, having to account for all of the nearby elementary schools.

Budget cuts.

As Leaf Coneybear skipped in the door, he was quickly abandoned by his siblings - not that he minded. In fact, he had grown to expect it. They never did care to spend more time with him than necessary. He brushed it off and straightened, grinning brightly at the students around him. Some ignored him, a few smiled back, and others sneered at him. He didn't let it get to him, instead joyfully strolling up to a tall, lanky kid who raised an eyebrow from behind his sunglasses.

"Cool glasses!" Leaf told him sincerely, offering a hand. "I'm Leaf Coneybear!"

The guy shifted his glasses to the top of his head and scoffed, eyeing Leaf with distaste. "That's a weird name. And what's with the cape? What're you, five?"

"No, I'm thirteen." Oblivious to the boy's mockery, Leaf kept on. "Can you tell me where the office is so I can pick up my schedule?"

The guy made eye contact with his friend and they both grinned before each taking one of Leaf's arms. The guy with sunglasses spoke in an overly fake sweet voice. "Why, of course! We'll take you right where you belong."

"Really? Thanks!" Leaf willingly let them drag him along, unsuspecting to any ulterior motives. It wasn't until they had cornered him in front of the trash can that he thought that they might've not told him the truth.

But then it was too late and he was being lifted up, up and straight into the trash can, his cape ensnaring his limbs. And for the first time in a while, he hoped that someone would help him.


Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre was no stranger to mockery. Her two gay dads, strong political opinions, young age, and heavy lisp had made her a target to no shortage of kids' laughter. But she couldn't control the irregular pounding of her heart when she stepped foot in the looming middle school, clutching three books close to her chest

Her eyes darted back and forth amongst the students around her. Some didn't spare her a passing glance, but she noticed others seemingly taking in her appearance. Subconsciously, she tugged at the sleeve of her navy blue blazer, taking another deep breath and trying to remember the calming techniques her dads had taught her.

To her horror, she realized that she had no clue where the office was. Sure, wandering around until she came across it was an option, but the building was huge, and walking into class late would be dreadfully embarrassing. 

Reluctantly, she selected a student that looked the least threatening and was fairly close. She slowly crossed over to them. "Hello. My name'th Logainne. Do you know where the offithe ith?" She cursed inwardly at her lisp.

"The office?" The girl raised an eyebrow, eyes shifting up and down her form, much to Logainne's growing dread. Finally, she jerked a thumb. "Down the hall and around the corner."

"Thank you." Logainne breathed out before following the girl's instruction. Unfortunately, she barely made it halfway down the hall before she was bumped into. She jolted, looking up at the boy who towered over her. "Th-Thorry. . ."

"'Thorry'?" He snickered. His eyes landed on the books in her hands. "Watch you're going, nerd." His hand slammed the books out of her grasp, which hit the ground with a resounding 'thud'. Bitter laughter rang in her ears and she knelt, frantically gathering the loose papers that had escaped the the books where she had shoved them to make notes as she wiped hot tears from her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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