Chaperone ~ 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

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"That is correct, Miss Ostrovsky." Vice Principal Pance commended. "Congratulations. You are our Putnam County Spelling Bee champion and will go on to the finals in Washington D.C.!"

The crowd erupted into applause, cheering on the timid young girl who could barely manage a weak smile. Truly, she was thrilled and proud of herself, but a sorrowful ache tugged at her heart.

"Hey." William Barfeé's nasally voice drug her from her reverie.

She looked at him apologetically. "Sorry you didn't win."

He rolled his eyes. "You're so weird. Don't apologize for winning. Just. . . good job. And good luck at Nationals. I'll root for you."

"Thank you, Barf." A small smile tugged at her lips. "That means a lot to me."

He shrugged nonchalantly, his cheeks tinting pink as he shambled away to find his family. Olive watched kids with their parents and her eyes combed the crowd helplessly once again for a sign of her father, only to come up dry. Her shoulders slumped and she desperately wished that her mother wasn't in India because at least she cared. Maybe she hadn't cared to take Olive with her and maybe she had left her to fend for herself in the clutches of her father, but she would've at least shown up.

"Miss Ostrovsky?"

Olive jolted, blinking as her gaze focused on a concerned Rona Lisa Peretti, who was holding a shining trophy. "Oh. Sorry, Miss Peretti. Lost in thought." Her heart sunk. "Oh, the entrance fee!" She searched feverishly once more for her father. "I - I. . . He's gotta be here!"

"Miss Ostrovsky." Rona's gentle hand on her shoulder made Olive still. "The entrance fee has been. . ." her eyes shifted back to where Panch was discreetly slipping twenty-five dollars from his wallet into the cash box and signing off Olive's name, a peculiar expression on her face, "taken care of."

Olive's shoulders relaxed, a heavy sigh falling from her lips. "Thank goodness." She paused. "Miss Peretti?"

Rona's attention fell upon the young girl who was intensely avoiding looking at anything but the floor. "Yes, Miss Ostrovsky?"

Olive was silent for a long minute and Rona couldn't see the tears building in her eyes. Then her head lifted and a startled Rona watched as tears dripped down Olive's face. "Whos' going to go to Washington with me?"

"Oh, Olive. . ." Rona set the trophy down and knelt in front of the girl, a sympathetic expression painting her pretty face. "Sweetheart, I'm sure your dad will - "

"He didn't even come!" Olive cut her off, her small body starting to shake with sobs.

Rona stilled for a moment, feeling utterly helpless. She herself was still young - only in her late twenties. She hadn't started a family and, despite enjoying children's antics during the Bee, she didn't know too much about them. Yet, something kicked in - one might have called it a motherly instinct - and she pulled Olive into a tight hug. The girl instantly accepted the embrace, throwing her arms around Rona's neck as she sobbed into her shoulder.

Rona gently rubbed Olive's back in what she hoped was a soothing motion. "Shh. . . shh. . . it's okay. . ."

"H-He doesn't. . . care about m-me!" Olive stuttered, hiccups breaking her speech and Rona's heart.

Rona tightened her grip before pulling away and staring into Olive's eyes. "Olive, you should be incredibly proud of what you've done today. And if you need someone, and should accept me, I would be honored to accompany you to Nationals as your chaperone."

Olive stared at her. "Y-You. . . you would?"

"Of course, sweetheart." Rona assured.

Slowly, but surely, Olive began to smile.

Two weeks later, she found herself sitting giddily on an airplane, heading straight for Nationals in Washington D.C with a smiling Rona beside her, her expression softening as she watched the young girl gasp at the sight of the city below them. Shortly after that, Olive could hear Rona's cheers over the crowd as she came in seventh, unable to keep the huge grin off of her face.

Maybe she didn't have her parents, but she had Rona.

And that was just fine with her.


We're doing this musical in school and I'm playing Olive, so my friend - who plays Rona - and I both agreed that if Olive had won, Rona would drop everything to bring her to Nationals.

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