I Made A Promise ~ Hamilton

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Because y'all know that if Laurens had survived to the second act, he would've protected Eliza for Angelica an kicked Hamilton's ass.

Tell me I'm wrong.


John Laurens had heard the rumors before he had actually seen the document. He had prayed endlessly that they were just rumors and Alexander Hamilton would come swinging in with his abrasive sarcasm to shut them all down.

He had to relinquish that hope the second the pamphlet landed in his hand. The Reynold's Pamphlet. "Alex, how could you?" Doing it was horrible, but writing about it. . .

John's eyes widened and he threw the papers behind him, sprinting down the street. He had no doubt that Angelica had already seen it - as rumors had been flying for several days - and he made a promise to the eldest Schuyler to protect one person.

Protect Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton.

He reached the house in what felt like hours, but in actuality was only a minute or two. He took a deep breath before knocking. He received no answer and repeated the action. "Eliza, please open the door!"

The door swung open and a puffy-eyed Eliza stood there for a second before collapsing into his arms, sobbing. John ushered the broken girl inside, shutting the door and setting them both of the couch. "Hey, hey, it's okay. . . I've got you."

"H-How could. . . he d-do this?!" She hiccuped, covering her face as tears streamed between her fingers. "I thought. . . he l-loved me!"

John pulled her into his chest, taking a deep breath as he vowed to knock some sense into his friend as soon as he saw him. But for now, he had a girl he needed to comfort. "Eliza, hey," She thought for the words, "I know he loves you. Alex is just. . . a complete and utter dumbass." He felt a bit of joy at the soft laugh she let out. "He doesn't realize how good he had it and you don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"N-No." Eliza pulled away to gaze directly at John. Her eyes were still red and tear tracks stained her face, but her gaze was determined. Resilient. "He's the one who messed up. I'm not leaving. He's going to have to sleep in his office, since he enjoys writing so much."

John snorted. "Yeah, that's a good idea." He sighed and helped her up. "Why don't you go upstairs and I'll get you some tea."

She nodded and disappeared. John had barely begun to brew the tea when the door opened with a sort of urgency. He knew who it was.

"Eliza!" John seemed to come from nowhere, cutting Alexander's dart to the stairs short. "Laurens? What are you doing here? I - I need to see my wife!"

"She doesn't want to see you right now, Hamilton." John stated with a menacing tone.

Alexander took a step back. "Laurens, you don't understand - "

"I don't understand?" John repeated incredulously. "Who the hell do you think you are, Alex?! When does it end?! When are you going to be satisfied with what you have?" He growled, swiping a hand out. "You constantly use people and you get something - someone - beautiful and you hurt her!"

"This doesn't concern you." Alexander tried once again to edge around John, but it was useless.

John snapped. "'Doesn't concern me'?!" He grabbed Alexander's collar and got in his face. "Believe it or not, asshole, it does! Because you broke your promises! You promised Mr. Schuyler you would be true to his daughter! You promised Angelica you would take care of her sister! You promised Peggy you wouldn't hurt her! But you broke every single promise!"

"And I have to deal with the mess I made!" Alexander shouted.

"I am a promise too, Alex." John spat, drawing himself up to full height. "I promised Angelica to protect her sister and be there for her if you ever failed her." His eyes narrowed. "And unlike you, I intend to keep that promise."

They stared at each other for a good minute. One gaze full of anger, one full of shock. Finally, the life seemed to leave Alexander's body and he trudged hopelessly into his study, shutting the door behind him.

John let the anger fade from his rigid posture, letting the air out of his lungs. He ran a hand through his hair and turned back to the kitchen just as the front door opened again. "Okay, who the hell - "

Angelica's exhausted face stopped his sentence. She stumbled forward, pulling him in for a hug and letting out a whispered "thank you". She pulled away and John pointed to the study, knowing exactly what she wanted. She gave him another grateful smile and entered the study.

John Laurens didn't even take the time to collapse on the couch, seeing as how the tea kettle started to whistle. He just hoped the entire mess would work itself out.

For better or for worse.

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