An Apology.

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So this isnt a chapter this is just me babbling. Most wont read this and I understand because with some books I dont either. No judgment.

So a little insight on my life.
I am going into a program where I will be doing college courses with my last two years of highschool so I have to keep my grades in check along with almost everything school-related.
Im doing this in my free time which I dont have much of. But I really wanted to write this.. or just write in general.

So I know probably no one will read this and it probably isnt that good considering... well... everything. But im trying my hardest so if you choose to comment please no mean ones..

This is my first book as I will probably continuously say and I wasnt to sure on actually posting it until I eventually told a few friends and let them read what I had and they liked it.. they encouraged me to do this and without them I wouldnt be typing this right now.. anywho.
If you guys are reading this and you know who you are (im gonna respect privacy) thank you guys so much!! I wouldnt be doing this without you.

So anyways. Um I dont have much else to say so im just gonna... go.

I hope you all like it- those few who are reading it- and I will gladly take any feedback.

I'll post the first chapter tomorrow!!

Happy reading☺❤

(Yes its my real name)

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