It Could Have Been Me

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... feel your bodies writhing together, your pale flesh pressed hard against the smooth tan of her skin, the taste of her lips and the...




Jade awoke in a cold sweat. Holy shit, that was way too real. She wasn't sure which was more disturbing, the fact that she was having erotic dreams about a girl, or that that girl was Tori, for God's sake.

She looked up at the sound of a door opening. "Hey, lover." Tori stepped out of the shower, naked except for a smile. "Were you dreaming about me?" She swayed seductively towards the bed and leaned down, planting a lingering kiss. "You were so hot last night," she purred. "Are you ready for more?"




Jade awoke in an even colder sweat. Damn it. Double whammy. She licked her lips and looked around her, warily. Was this real? The pain in her head and the foul taste in her mouth told her it was. No one gets a hangover in their dreams. She flipped the pillow over and rested her head back down gently on the cool side.

She was back in her hotel room. She had no idea how she'd managed that. What did she remember?

Laughter. Lots and lots of laughter. She couldn't recall the last time she laughed like that. She couldn't really recall the last time she'd laughed at all. But Tori had laughed at anything and everything, and the sight of her clutching her sides and rolling around had set Jade off too, and before she knew it they were crying, weeping with laughter together, the joke forgotten. Tori's laugh was, she mused, the most beautiful sound in the world. It was a pity it came at such a cost. As if on cue, the cork of nausea popped in her throat, and she barely had time to make it to the bathroom before last night's indulgence became this morning's cleaning bill.

Ten minutes later, she knelt, hands gripping the bowl, hair hanging down around her face, a very penitent and very empty young lady. Red wine and pot were not, she decided, a good combination. They ought to warn you about that, put something on the bottle. A warm, rich red, the perfect companion to a grilled steak. On no account to be drunk while you're stoned. And it wasn't just her wine, either. Tori had rummaged in the cupboard for a box of something that tasted like it could strip varnish, and they'd drunk that too.

What else? Dancing. Tori had put some music on and they'd danced - first apart, bouncing around the room like idiots, then together, bodies pressed close, grateful for the support, heads resting on each other's shoulders, murmuring and giggling. The soft brush of skin as their cheeks touched. And then Tori had pulled back for a moment, her face a hair's breadth away, noses touching, and...

And what? She hadn't... had she?

Her phone rang. She scrambled to get to it, still an ungodly mess, and saw it was Tori. She answered it. "Hey," she said, pushing her damp hair out of her eyes. "I was just-"

Tori, it seemed, was in no mood for chit-chat. "What did you do?" she demanded, furiously.

Jade was puzzled. If they'd done.. that, surely Tori would already know. "What do you mean?" she said.

"Carla!" Tori fumed. "What did you say to her?"

Carla? And then she remembered. Carla had come home. They'd heard the door, and Carla had come into the room to find them stood side by side, sniggering guiltily like naughty schoolgirls, wafting helplessly at the smoke around them. "Hi, Carly," Jade had said, leading Tori to collapse in a fit of giggles. Carla had been less than amused.

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