What's The Story Morning Glory

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Hi. Well, we're back. Let's have a look at our girls as they emerge into the brave new world of Jori. Has becoming a couple changed them? Not a bit of it.




Jade lay awake in the early morning light, staring at the ceiling. Beside her a faint snore told her Tori was still sleeping. Last night...

Whoa, wait. Reality check. Had last night really happened? She'd been caught out like this before, in the hotel room that time. She stole a glance at the girl beside her. Tori was laying, hair splayed out across the pillow, her shoulders bare, and Jade knew that if she slid her hand sideways she'd touch skin. Tori was naked. And if Jade closed her eyes, she could feel her own body humming in pleasure, singing a song she hadn't heard in years. Yes, last night had definitely happened.

Jade had always been insecure in many ways. It was part of the reasons that Tori had always gotten under her skin, because she had a knack of finding the cracks, tugging at the loose thread, threatening to expose her. But one of her many coping mechanisms for what she regarded as this devastating character flaw was to simply assume it wasn't there - if she pretended she was on top of things, there was always the chance that it might turn out to be true. And so when one thing began to lead to lead to another, she'd just gone with it. She couldn't do anything else - she'd turned both their worlds upside down by telling Tori she loved her, she couldn't very well ask her for a trial run before she made her final decision. She'd never really thought of either of them as being the sort of girls who'd go all the way on the first date, but their relationship was hardly starting from scratch - in effect they'd been dating each other for months, each trapped in a bubble of denial, and it had seemed entirely natural to take things as far and as fast as they could to make up for lost time. So she'd thrown herself into it with gusto, made all the running, almost pushing Tori towards the bedroom, and hoped to God that it would turn out okay.

And it had. Any last, lingering doubts about whether she really wanted Tori that way had disappeared as she watched Tori undress, had vanished as she'd seen her unclip her bra and hold it briefly in place, biting her lip coyly, before letting it fall, had evaporated completely as she'd slid her jeans off and stood there, wearing nothing but an expression of such wanton challenge that Jade had been surprised her own clothes hadn't spontaneously caught fire.

Jade had always assumed that Tori in bed would be much the same as Tori in any other circumstances - awkward, shy, enthusiastic but inept - but that hadn't turned out to be the case. That hadn't been the case at all. Tori in the sack was feline, sinuous, feral, going at it with a gleeful abandon that had left Jade, inexperienced as she was, struggling to keep up. Not that she hadn't tried. She knew that Beck had sometimes found her a little cold and unresponsive during sex, but then Beck was a guy, there was only so much reciprocation he needed - she sometimes wondered if he might have preferred it if she'd been asleep, at least that way he wouldn't have to talk to her afterwards. But Tori was different. Tori had a head start on her, previous experience, a benchmark to rate her against, and that just raised the next question...


She jumped. She'd been waiting so long for Tori to wake up that she'd failed to notice she had. She turned to her, and decided that the sight before her was probably the most beautiful thing she'd seen - morning Tori, still disheveled from sleep, eyes half-closed, a faint, drowsy smile on her lips.

She smiled in return. "Hey."

Tori reached out a hand towards her, and Jade watched as it slowly walked its fingers up her bare arm, across her chest, and, after a brief pause, finally poked her gently on the nose. She blinked in surprise, as Tori quickly withdrew her hand, pulled up the covers around her face until only her eyes were visible, and giggled. Jade laughed despite herself. This was probably something she was going to have to get used to. Waking up next to Beck had been a matter of a mumbled grunt and pushing him out of bed to make coffee, there was no playfulness, no laughter. He wasn't cute, and she'd never felt the need to be. She leaned across, over Tori, whose eyes grew wide behind her makeshift mask. She hooked a finger in the sheet, and pulled it down until Tori's lips were free, and kissed her.

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