Be Careful What You Wish For

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Ok, we're about halfway through now. Many thanks to those of you who've left a review or a vote, I appreciate it. I'm not sure how many Jori fans are still out there.




They walked towards the car, Tori ahead, Jade sneaking backward glances toward the bar door. She half-expected Carla to come out after them, and relished the idea of finishing what they'd started, with or without Tori's approval. But the door stayed closed, so she double-stepped to catch up with the other girl. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Tori," she started, "I should have-"

"How could she?" Tori turned, wild-eyed with anger. "How could she do that to me?"

"Well, I guess she-"

"Am I a bad girlfriend?" Tori demanded, bitterly. "Is there something wrong with me?"

"What? No, of course not. I mean, I'm not one to judge, obviously, but-"

"So why? Why would she do that? And with that little... tramp in there. Why, for God's sake?"

"I don't know." Jade said, determined to get a complete sentence out. "Look, Tori, I think we ought to-"

"Get away from me!"

"I... what?"

"This is your fault!" Tori said. "If you hadn't come here, none of this would have happened! If I hadn't spent all my time with you, sneaking off, pretending to see crappy movies, if I'd been there more often, maybe she wouldn't have needed to go off with someone else!"

Jade was speechless. She wasn't sure whether Tori genuinely believed this, but she sure as hell wasn't going to let that go. "Get in the car," she growled.


"Get in the car."


"Get in the goddamn car!"

"I'm not-" Tori didn't have time to say anything else, before Jade grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the passenger door, bundling her through it. "Hey! You can't just-"

She slammed the door and went back to the driver's side, yanking the door open and climbing in.

"This is abduction!" Tori said, hotly.

"Think of it more as an intervention."

"What for?"

"For being a moron! Now listen up, Tori Vega," she hissed, "I am not going to let you blame me for this, okay? I fought for this friendship, and I tried not to be pretty hurt by the fact that you didn't."

"That's not fair!"

"Shut up. What happened in there isn't your fault. You're a great girlfriend. If you were my girlfriend, I'd never stop pinching myself to make sure it was true. But it isn't my fault, either. This isn't the first time, Tori. This was going on long before I came on the scene."


"Where is she, Tori? Where's Carla? Why isn't she out here right now, making a scene? Or on her knees begging for forgiveness? Or doing anything at all?"


"I'll tell you why. Because she's in there, crawling to that other girl. Trying to explain herself, trying to make things right with her. That isn't just some broad she's picked up tonight because she's pissed at you. That's her girlfriend, Tori. Her other girlfriend."


"Where do you think she went, hmm? The night I came over. Where did she rush off to at a moment's notice? Work? What the fuck is so important about watching a band that you need to be on call twenty-four seven?"

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