Let's Do Lunch

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Well, howdy. Let's go and visit Jade's dad. I know we seem to be stringing this out a bit, but please don't wish it over just yet - this is a romance, so once they get together, we're done.

If you want to know who gives Tori the tip about opening jars, it's Jade, but in a different story.

Many thanks for your comments. I love comments :)




"Jade. What a lovely surprise."

"You invited us, Dad."

"And Tori, too. How nice to see you."

Tori leaned out from behind Jade and gave a little wave of acknowledgement. "Hi."

"Why don't you both come in?"

Jade was about to list all the reasons she could think of, but Tori wasn't going to wait. "Thanks!" she said, flashing Jade's dad a dazzling smile and striding past him into the house. Jade followed with an air of resignation. Her dad ushered them through to the living room, and for a moment the three of them stood there awkwardly.

"Well," Tori said, waving a hand around, and cranking up the smile another thousand watts. "This is nice."

"It is, isn't it?" Jade's dad said, looking around the room as though seeing it for the first time. "Not my doing, of course. Jade's mother was the one with the eye for detail. I have no aesthetic abilities, I'm afraid."

"Oh, I'm sure that's not true," Tori said. "You look very fit."

Jade snorted, but her dad ignored it. "Well, that's very kind of you to say so, young lady."

"Not at all."

In Jade's opinion the house was a garish mess, but Tori was determined to be charming, and her dad was determined to be charmed. Much more of this mutual appreciation and she might be waking up one day to Tori as her new stepmom.

"You said something about lunch?" she said.

"Yes I did."

"Only, I don't see lunch."

"That's because we're standing in the middle of the living room."

"So where... Oh God, please don't say we're eating in the Great Hall."

"You have a Great Hall?" Tori said, impressed.

"She means the dining room," Jade's dad said. "Jade has something of an issue with the chandelier."

"I don't have an issue with it, Dad," she said. "I just don't see why we need it."

"Your mother paid a lot of money for that, Jade."

"Yeah, a lot of your money."

"That's not the point."

"Of course it's the point! You paid for it, so you can do what you want with it, now she's gone. It's totally up to you."

"And what if I want to leave it where it is?"

"Then you're wrong."

"I'm sure it's lovely," Tori interrupted. They both turned to her. "I mean, each to his own, and everything," she added. "Some people like chandeliers, some people like... um... catamarans."

"Quite right, Tori," Mr West said. "Well put, if slightly confusing. Shall we go through?"



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