Panic At The Disco

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If anyone doesn't know the significance of the lampshade, then shame on you, you need to spend less time studying, and more time reading TV Tropes.




Tori watched as Jade led the way through the club, hips swaying, a nudge here, a shove there, clearing space without slowing, moving through the crowd like an explorer through the jungle, the expert swing of the machete making progress seem effortless.

Of course, had Jade had an actual machete, things might have been even quicker.

It occurred to her that she'd never seen Jade look more at home than she did right now. Generally Jade always seemed slightly out of place, ill at ease, as though she were struggling to maintain her dignity in a world of baffling disappointment, like a Shakespearean actor forced to do dog food commercials.

They reached the bar, and ordered a couple of drinks. There wasn't much in the way of discussion over this.

"I'll have a dry white-"

"Here." Jade thrust a bottle of beer into Tori's hand.

"... oh." Tori took it. "Thanks." She didn't normally drink beer, but when in Rome. She took a sip.

"So," Jade said, turning and resting her elbows behind her on the bar, an act that stretched her T-shirt across her chest in a way that made Tori's drink go down the wrong way. "What do you think?"

"Wow," Tori croaked. It dawned on her that Jade was inviting comment on the club, rather than her tits. "I mean, pretty cool."

"You think so? I don't really come here much, but the music's okay." She took a lazy swig from her bottle. "Do you want to dance? Or sit down?"

"Um... sit."

They made their way over to a table, garnering a few admiring glances. Some of those glances were directed at Tori's butt, much to Jade's annoyance.

"People are looking at you."

"Am I embarrassing you?"

"No, I mean people are looking at you like that."

"What do you mean, 'like that'?"

"Like they want to... you know."

"Like I'm hot?"


"What's wrong with that? I want people to think I'm hot."

"No you don't."

"I'm pretty sure I do."

"Well I don't."


"I don't want people looking at you."

"Why not?"

It occurred to Jade too late that there was no reason she could give that wouldn't sound ridiculous. "Er..."

"Are you jealous?"

"No! I just think it's... demeaning to you as a woman."

"Right. And that's why you're dressed like that, is it?" Tori pointed to the tight T-shirt. "You go, sister. Fight the power."

"You know, I think I preferred it when you were terrified of me. All this uppityness is getting on my nerves."

"Pfft. You love it, really."

"Well, maybe. But the point is, I didn't bring you here so could flaunt yourself at every passing-"


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