How Was It For You?

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Hi, just a quick update. I hope this isn't too dull for you, it's a fairly slow burn.




It was as quick as it was ungentle. Tori barely had time to register the movement out of the corner of her eye before Jade's arm snaked out, hooking a hand around the back of her neck and pulling her forward, roughly, pressing their lips together with an urgency that took her breath away. And she had no choice but to go with it, just a brief squeak of surprise before she melted, helpless to do anything else. There was no hesitation, no awkwardness, no sign that it was anything other than what it seemed - any hint of reticence would have given the game away. And not a stage kiss either, but a lover's kiss, deep, and slow, the soft sigh and the brush of tongues telling of intimacy surrendered as well as taken. Jade, it seemed, was determined to make her point, and Tori was only human, she told herself - is it a sin to take something freely given? She sank deeper and deeper into the kiss, letting Jade set the pace, lifting a hand to touch the other girl's cheek, every inch the picture of oblivious passion. After a minute they heard a sullen humph from Trina, the tick-tack of her heels disappearing back through the patio doors, and they parted, panting, lips still joined by a single silvery thread of saliva. And then... Jade giggled. Tori had never heard Jade giggle before - she laughed, she scoffed, she grinned, but she never giggled - and that single act of girlish glee was so unexpected that she couldn't help but join in, and they stood, arms around each other, foreheads touching, sharing the conspiracy, until Tori's mom called out something about dessert and the spell was broken.

"Coming, Mom."

Jade let go of her, carefully, as though she'd suddenly found herself holding a bomb, and they stood back, looking at each other. Jade was an interesting shade of pink, adorably flushed, and Tori briefly considered throwing caution to the wind and moving in again, but this was not the time to chance her arm - the thought of humiliating herself within a hundred miles of Trina made her toes curl. And so instead there was a brief flurry of self-conscious throat-clearing and hair-straightening and general after you, no, after you-ing, and they came back into the house, neither of them entirely sure what had just happened.




Tori stared resolutely straight ahead, trying to think of something to say. Neither of them had spoken since they'd pulled out of her parents driveway, and now she was worried that Jade was mad. She was mad. She was definitely mad. She hadn't said anything, which meant she was mad. She was absolutely, completely, every-bone-in-the-body-breakingly mad, and it would probably be best if Tori just-

"I'm sorry."

-threw herself out of the car now to save time. "What?" She turned in surprise.

"I'm sorry." Jade said again. "About the whole kissing thing. I don't know what I was thinking, it was just that Trina was winding me up, and I didn't want to ruin your story, and I just thought it might-"

"It's fine."

"Is it?"

"Of course it is." Tori said, relieved that they were back to normality. "You were doing me a favor."



"You're not freaked out?"

"Why would I be freaked out? I've been kissed lots of times."

"Because... I dunno. Because it's me."

"Why? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me."

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