Chapter 6

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I didn't think I would be meeting the boys now, I look horrendous. Before we walking in I asked “Do they know ?”… About the fake relationship.

He smiled at me and walked in, I’ll take that as a yes.

After walking down a long hallway we entered a huge room where the boys were seated playing FIFA 14.

“Take that ! Pele’s OP !” Louis shouted.

They noticed Harry and quickly paused the game when they saw me. Harry went and sat down, leaving me standing up by myself. Shit. 

“Is this the girl ?” Liam asked.

All harry did was nod, he hadn’t been talking much since the “talk” with Alexis.

“Well its nice to meet you…” Liam said greeting me but trailing off when he realized he didn’t know my name. 

“Lauren” I said politely while also putting on a fake smile.

I swear to god my life is only fake now !

“Nice to meet your Lauren” All the boys said. 

They seemed allot nicer than Harry, who was just sat staring into space.

“Well sorry for interrupting, I’ll be on my way now.”

I began turning away when I was stopped by the voice of Zayn.

“Wait don’t go you only just got here !”

“Yeah ! stay we want to get to know you !” Louis said with the cheesiest smile on his face.

All the boys agreed but Harry, he was still staring into space. I sat down between Harry and Liam and we begun chatting.

“So are you from New York ?” Louis asked.

“No I’m from Chicago” I told the truth.

“Oh, so why’d you move out here then ?” 

I swallowed trying to think of a excuse.

“Umm.. Family issues”

“Oh I’m sorry what happened ?” Zayn asked, he looked pretty interested, unlike Harry.

Shit. What do I say ?! I’ve never told anyone the story but Alexis and I was not ready to tell the boys. Although I knew I could trust them, I didn’t want them to baby me or make it a big deal because I really hated talking about it.

I decided to touch on it lightly.

“My um father left and my sister looked after me”

I said trying to hold back my tears.

“what about your mum ?” Harry spoke up suddenly.

“She was always to drunk…”

I sniffled a tiny bit and it immediately set the boys off.

“Im really sorry we didn’t know” Louis said looking upset with everyone.

“Its fine” 

“Where’s your sister now ?” harry asked again.

“Harry !” Liam shouted at him.

“Sorry about him you don’t have to answer” Liam said kindly.

However I was so pissed at Harry for being so selfish I decided to answer and tell everyone the cold, hard truth. 

“I left her on my 18th birthday and I haven’t spoken to her since. She’s still with my mum and after that night I felt guilty. So Guilty. To the point where I…” Oops I’m being way to truthful, even Alexis didn’t know about my scars.

“Lauren…” Louis began.

“No its fine… Honestly.” Is aid taking a deep breath. What have I just did ?!

“ To the point where you what ?” Harry spoke up once again.

OMFG I was going to literally burst !

I knew I couldn't tell them. So I just ran out the house, leaving everyone. 

They called after me as I walked away but I ignored them. I couldn’t handle it, I couldn’t look weak in front of them, especially not Harry.

Ugh Harry. What a Dick ! He made me so angry.

What Had I gotten myself into ?!

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