Chapter 10

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I felt someone shaking me, so I turned over and I was staring into Niall’s blue eyes. 

“Time to get up” He said giving me a faint smile. 

I groaned and turned back over, ignoring him. 

He sighed “Come on Lauren you have work, Alexis wants to see you”

“Noo” I groaned.

“Lauren. ” He said in a kind, but firm voice.

“Fine, Ill be out in a bit” I said from under my pillow.

I eventually got up but then realised I had no new clothes, to change into, or new makeup. I looked like a joker because my mascara was all smudged from crying. Then I remembered Harry. Ugh. I hate him so much. I’ll never forgive him. Probably…

I washed my face so I had no makeup on at all. Ew,ew,ew. I looked horrendous ! I slowly opened the door, to only see the boys laughing at something. Harry wasn't there. Thank God. I quietly shut the door and made my way over to them.

“Hey, Lauren, Finally ready are we ?” Niall spoke.

“Um, not really I look horrendous. I don’t have any makeup on !” I said trying to not sound like last night was the worst night of my life. 

“ugh, You look fine ! I don’t see why girls stress so much about makeup”

I laughed at his point and went to sit down. All of a sudden, I remembered Milo. I had to feed him, what if Harry had did something to him. I was panicking now and the guys could tell.

“Whats up ?” Louis said breaking from their conversation.

“Um… Nothing just wondering if I could go home yet, you know because of my dog”

“Oh right ! I forgot you had a dog” he didn’t say anything after that and continued speaking. Ugh.

“So can I go home or…?”

They all stopped talking and looked at me and then at each other. I gave them a confused look. What was going on ?

“Well yeah but the thing is…” Louis trailed off.


“Harrys still in your apartment.” Liam continued.

“What ?! Why didn't you get him out ?!” I said angrily.

“He was really drunk and it wasn't really safe to be around him, so we kind just locked him in your apartment” Louis said trying to make it seem not like a bad thing.

I didn't say anything and neither did they.

“So are you gonna go and get him out my apartment to I can feed my dog and get ready ? Don’t forget I have work…”

“Um… Yeah sure, we’ll go now. You coming ?” Liam finished.

“Yeah, just make sure he doesn't see me.” 

“Ok then, lets go” So we all got in a car and drove to my apartment.

“Ok so just hide behind the corner and we’ll bring him down, when we get home close to the car, go in. K ?” We said going over the plan.

“Okay” I smiled, even though this could go horribly wrong.

After about five minutes of waiting I heard voices.

“Come on Harry” I heard Zayn say.

I peaked round the corner and saw a really bad looking Harry. His face was red, he could barley walk and he looked like he had been crying. Oh wait ! Id completely forgot to run in. I soon as I got in the lobby I heard a loud yell that sounded like it came from Niall.

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