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A hiss rang through the halls of the Castle of Lions, the healing pods where opening. Three thuds where heard, as the occupants fell to the floor. They all got up, but noticed how quiet it was. This alarmed them, the Paladins where anything but quiet. The female, got up quickly and raced to the terminal.

"Princess?" The older man asked.

"Coran, we've been asleep for three years!" The woman exclaimed.

"What, no. Impossible, they just went back into the quintessence field for Lotor, and sealed the rifts. We saw them, Keith just saved me." Said the man with black and grey hair, with one arm.

"Shiro, you were put in the healing pod after I transferred your essence from the black lion back into a body. We where attacked by a Galra fleet, I got injured and they rushed me into a healing pod, but Coran, what about you?" Asked Allura.

"Well, The Galra has the lions pinned down, but number five managed to sneak away with her cloaking device. I was hurt, and she dragged me to a cryo pod, and the last thing I remember  is her saying she needed more time. Then I was sealed up, I do know that the yellow lion and Paladin where already captured, and they where after the black lion, but then it's buts and pieces. I'm sorry princess."

"It's alright Coran, let's go to the bridge and see what's happened." Coran nods, and the trio race out of the healing center. When they arrived in the bridge, Allura activated the crystal, and they gasped.

"This isn't the planet we where on." Said Allura. They where in a cavern deep within a uncharted region of the universe.

"Wait, there are other people out there." Shiro said, Allura activated the castles exterior lights, and they gasped, it was the coalition.

"Hands up, turn around slowly." Said a vegly familiar voice. The three did so, but Shiro gasped.

"Matt!" He said, both in visible shock.

"What? No, you all where in healing pods, we weren't able to open them."

"Pidge, she set a remote release. Matt, where are we?" Asked Allura.

"Pidge? Wait, Katie is here to?!?"

"No, why? Where are the other Paladins?"

"I'm sorry Princess, but your the only Paladin who made it out of the fight. We don't even know what happened. We heard rumors of you battling Lotor, then you just disappeared. We found the castle after we where all forced to flee. The Galra, they started hunting us all. We're all that remains of the coalition. The Blade of Marmora, we believe they're all gone. Only one blade even made it here, one named Krolia."

"Hats Keith's Mother!!" Coran exclaimed.

"Wait, is the lions?"

"We don't know, but because the Galra haven't yet formed Voltron, we hope that means they don't have all the lions."

"Wait a tick, I'm receiving a distress signal!" Allura cried out, she pulled up the audio, and everyone was about to cry.

"To anyone out there, I'm a Paladin of Voltron. I was captured by the Galra a year ago and managed to escape, I got away in my lion. However the Galra tracked me down, I was heading to our team, but was shot down. I've been hiding at a remote listening outpost, trying to fight against the Galra. They have found me now, and are trying to take me out. I fear that I won't last much longer, please if you are receiving this, please get word to my brother Matt of the freedom fighters. I'm making my last stand, if you find Matt, he will lead you to the rest of Voltron. Please, Your our only hope. *Boom*•blaster shots•~screaming of pain~^lion roar^=explosions=€bloodcurdling scream€" They all where still, that was Pidge, this distress signal was sent a year ago, they where too late.

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