nerf war with the guys chapter 12 (revised)

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Ariana's POV

me and the girls woke up to breakfast in bed then we noticed a sauage was missing from our plates "oh this means war!" i say grabbing my purple and blue nurf gun from under the bed i loaded it with darts and stuck extra in my pocket.

"ariana cute outfit" allison says (i'm wearing a purple cami with black lace bra short shorts and socks with my hair down in curls 

i smile "thanks girly but we've got a nerf war to win!" i say determind to find kendall 

"right behind ya sister" she says grabbing her red and black nerf gun and filling it with darts and putting extra in her back pocket 

"oh kendall honey?" i say in my sweetest and sexiest voice

"yes dear?"he says coming from the kitchen 

i hide my gun behind my back and stick it in the back of my short shorts and come over to him running my nails on his bare arms he shakes i smirk "my my someone's shakey" i say still running my long nails on his bare arms his arms get chill bumps "b-b-baby?" he says getting nervous i smirk "aww my baby nervous?" i ask

he gulps "no something else" he says 

i smirk "ah, so it isn't guilt from stealing my sauage?" i ask hand behind my back on my gun

"you are such a tease" he says playfully punching my arm 

i smirk "and you are a stealer no one is a saint sexy" i say shooting him in the stomach with a dart he falls on the floor "really? you got in the outfit i absoultely adore, tease me and shoot me with a nerf dart?" he asks sounding mad 

i look down "i was just trying to play with you for stealing my sauage this morning" i say putting my gun down 

i see him smirk and grab it "HEY!" i yell he smirks again "i love you baby" he says shooting me in the stomach he drops my gun and runs i chuckle "you asshole!" i yell 

he yells back "i love you my queen" i smile and shake my head "i love you my king" i say getting up and grabbing my gun 

"hey girly did you get kendall?" lydia asks 

i look confused "i only told allison" i say

"i know but she told me so me her and camille got the other guys but it looks like kendall got you" she says moitioning to my chest i look at the dart and take it off 

"yeah, we kind of tricked each other" i say shooting kendall with 3 darts so he's out 

he looks confused on the ground "how did you-?" he asks but i cut him off "i heard you and i wasn't gonna fall for another trick to be out remember next time 3 strikes and -" i start but lydia cuts me off and shoots james 3 times because he came up behind her to try and pull a kendall "and you're out" lydia finishes with a wink and blows the smoke off her gun

i can't help but laugh and shake my head "you are gonna be the death of me" i say 

she laughs "what? no it will be kendall if anyone" she says laughing 

"HEY!" kendall yells 

she laughs "i'm just playing dude calm down" she says in between laughs 

"aww baby don't be mad at her remember i'm wearing my cute outfit that you like so much" i say lightly touching his skin with my finger tips he smirks "you are a tease but damn it do i love it" he says picking me up i wrap my arms and legs around him he holds me and slips his hands under neath my butt to hold me better "i love you so much" he says in between kisses i smile "i love you so much too" i say in between kisses 

"you guys are such dorks" lydia says

"oh yeah carlos lover" i say 

"HELL YEAH SISTER" she yells and winks

i laugh "omg you are gonna make me fall lydia" i say 

"no she won't i've got you beautiful" kendall says holding me tighter i smile "yay" i say 

he smiles and shakes his head "my angel, my dork, my everything" he says i smile back" my loser, my king and my everything" i say kissing his forehead he smiles and throws me on mine and his bed and starts tickling me 

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