Kendall meets a highschool friend on tour chapter 24 (revised)

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Kendall's POV
I was walking off stage after a song then i see a girl backstage so i approach her because you have to have a backstage pass to be back here

"Umm excuse me miss? " i say

She turns around and her eyes widen "i remember you from highschool! " she says

I look confused for a second then i say "nicole?  Omg hey! " i beam

She laughs "too you long enough kendork" she jokes

I laugh "what are you doing here? " i ask

"I'm here seeing the guys i love you're music" she says (nicole has blue eyes light brown hair tanned skin she is wearing black short shorts with fishnet leggings and a black crop top with her curled) 

I smile i remember having a crush on nicole but i'm with ariana i can't do that to her i've already fucked up so many times before

"So umm any lucky ladies in your life? " she asks

I smile widely "yes her name is ariana and i love her so much and sorry i gotta go call her " i say taking out my phone

She half smiles and waves

"Hello? " ariana's angelic voice rang through the phone

I smile "hi my angel " i say smiling

I hear her smile "hi my demon" she says

"How are you? " i ask

She sighs "okay i guess i just miss you like crazy" she says

"HEY KENDALL!  HAVE YOU TALKED TO NICOLE YET? " carlos yelled by accident

I give him a look and smack him upside his head

"Who's nicole? " ariana asks

I sigh "she's a friend i knew from highschool " i say scratching the back of my neck

She sighs "is she the one you had a major crush on? " she asks

I panic " umm yeah but i'm  with you " i say

She sighs again "i know you are but she's probably the reason why you took so long to call" she says

"I know but i've gotta get back on stage i love you" i say

"Love you too" she says before hanging up

I sigh and go on stage

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