ariana gets pissed chapter 25

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Ariana's POV

so i got pissed wrote a song and just finished the video( you see above in the mulitmedia) then my friend Iggy is looking at something on her phone and she says "yo ariana? you might wanna check this out" she says motioning to her phone i look at what's on it and the title reads "Is kendall schmidt replacing his girlfriend of 1year and half ariana grande for mystery girl???"  i look hurt, betayed and pissed but words wouldn't come out so iggy started reading the article "okay, so it says he met up with her on tour she is one his friends from highschool but doesn't know her name" iggy says 

A/N: btw victoria justice plays nicole just so ya'll know sorry back to reading :P

i look down "i know who she is her name is nicole because carlos yelled it in the background when me and kendall talked on the phone" i say sighing 

she gives me a sympathic smile and hugs me"girl the media always blows these things up like balloons to make themselves seem intresting for a moment i'd talk to him in person when he gets back from tour nov 1st" she says i hug back "i will"we part 

"heyy ari" kevin says 

"hey dude what are you doing here?" i ask

he smiles "just thought i'd check on you bc i seen the article" he says putting a hand on my shoulder i sigh loudly "i just found out about it thanks to iggy she read it too me not much on it so far but she said she would let me know if more comes out " i say looking down only to get smacked by long ponytail "uggghhhhh really? as if things aren't already bad" i say annoyed 

"hey wanna go get changed and grab a coffee?" he asks 

"i would but i wouldn't feel right about it would feel like i'm cheating on kendall which i'm totally not into" i say 

"okay well see ya later ari" he says waving i smile and wave back i sigh and change into a waisthigh black and white skirt with matching crop top that shows some skin with my long white boots i take my extensions out and have my stylest redo them along with my make up i grab my phone, keys and bag then get in my car and drive to starbucks i get my usual a medium carmel latte with extra whip and this time extra carmel because i'm depressed i check my phone 1 new message 3 missed calls and 1 voicemail i sigh and check the voicemail it's kendall saying "hey it's me i know you seen the article but it's not like that i promise i will make it up to you when i get back november 1st i love you so much i just hope you can forgive me" end of voicemail if you'd like to call back press 5 if you wanna delete press7 to save it press 9 if you are done simply hang up i sigh and hit 9 then end call i check my message it's from the group chat saying "hey, we seen the article and we are going clubbing wanna come?" 

i sigh "do i have a choice?" i reply back 

"nope" they reply back 

"what time?" i reply shaking my head 

"7pm" they reply 

"fine whatever" i reply 

so i finish my coffee check the time it's 6:30pm i sigh and go to the palmwoods i change into some jean short shorts with fishnet leggings and gray tank top with the sides cut a little showing my side i let my hair down and curl it i apply my make up and grab my phone and meet the girls 

they go dance even though they have guys so why dance?? i think to myself i sit at the bar alone sipping my winecooler blackcherry my fave ah! lol :P i'm a dork okay? anyways i check my phone still nothing from kendall then a man approaches me i roll my eyes 

"what do you want?" i ask annoyed 

"well, if that's how you talk to family then i'll leave" he says 

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