back home chapter 33

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Ariana's POV

i put my regular clothes back on and packed my bag kendall got dressed and pack his as well so we are boarding our flight now we sit down in our seats and i fall asleep on kendall's shoulder 

Kendall's POV

i was sitting listening to music then i feel someone tap on my shoulder i look and see an older gentleman and i take out my head phone "hello sir" i say politely 

he smiles "she you're girlfriend?" he asks 

"yes sir everything alright?" i ask

"yes son she dropped her phone" he says handing it to me i smile "thank you sir and hey i know you don't know me but can i ask you something?" i ask him 

"sure son what's on you're mind?" he asks 

"well me and her have been dating for a year and half and i wanna propose so badly but she's going through a lot right now" i say looking at the older man 

he smiles "son, i was just like you when i was you're age and trust me you will know it when the time is right" he says with a wink 

i smile "thank you sir" i say 

he smiles"no problem son, young love can be complicated but remember this if ya'll stick together through the hard times then ya'll can get through anything" he says sitting down 

i smile and nod. soon we land and head to the palmwoods we arrive unpack and change into our pjs "SPIKE" ariana yells which makes me laugh "spike, awe my babyboy i missed you so much did you miss mommy and daddy?" she asks spike wags his tail and kisses her face 

"you hungry boy?" she asks he barks and wags his tail she feeds him and gives him some water 

"hey look who's back" carlos says 

"CARLITOS!" ariana yells and hugs him tight he hugs back and i laugh because he almost fell over 

"i missed you guys" she says 

"aww she missed us" james says hugging her she hugs back then logan joins in 

"omg! i missed you guys so much" she says 

"aww blondie we missed you too hun" carlos says 

she smiles" where's allison, camille, and lydia?" she asks 

"allison and camille are doing their movie and lydia went to pick up dinner she's cooking fried shrimp with mashed potatoes and mac n cheese" logan says 

"sounds yummy" we all say 

"hello guys welcome back now sit the fuck down because i'm cooking" she says to all of us we laugh and sit down 

"welcome back guys!" camille and allison say ariana hugs them they hug back and sit down soon dinner is done and we eat 

"oh suprise! cherry cheesecake homemade" lydia says after we are done we smile and get a piece 

"thank you lydia" we all say 

she smiles "no problems dolls" she says 

A/N: hey guys! that was chapter 32 i hope you are loving it and it's a lot of fun writting this you guys rock and i'll update again in the morning! :) :) stay tuned guys!!!! :) :)

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