test results and ari finds out through media chapter 38

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A/N: hey guys! hope you enjoy this chapter not to sure how you will like it if you hate i understand but this is apart of the story carry on!

Kendall's POV

so today nicole gets her results back i'm so nervous i started smoking a cigarette i hate these things but i need to cool my nerves 

"so?" i ask as she approaches me 

she looks down "kendall.........i'm so sorry....." she says crying 

"what?" i ask

"it's........yours......." she says through tears 

"oh my god what am i gonna do? what about ariana?" i ask pissed 

"i don't kendall but it takes 2 to tango" she says 

i sigh "i know" i say looking down 

nicole thinks to herself "it's really blake's but ariana stole kendall from me so this is my chance to get him back" 

"i can't call ariana right now i've fucked up so many times she's gonna hate me forever and i'll lose the girl of my dreams" i say crying 

Ariana's POV

i just got done singing no tears left to cry but what happened next i was crying for sure 

"ariana?" a reporter asks me 

i smile "hi, how are you?" i ask smiling 

she smiles "great, how are you?" she asks 

"i'm fantastic" i say smiling 

"how miss grande?" she asks 

i look confused "what do you mean?" i ask crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows

she gets nervous "umm, you're finacee kendall knocked another girl up .....how are you fine?" she asks 

"HE DID WHAT?" i scream 

she nods "yes miss grande we just found out that she got her test results back and they were positive" she says 

i sigh "i can't believe this" i say 

she shows me the video and article"here miss grande we got this from clever news" she says 

i look at it and take a breathe "he didn't even tell me" i whisper

"we are so sorry miss grande we will leave you alone" she says walking away "what the fuck is going on????" i ask outloud 

"rick(my manager) i'm cancelling the rest of my tour and flying back to L.A tonight" i say

he nods "you got it miss grande i'll send crews to you're hotel to back you're belongings" he says calling them 

all i can do it cry i take out my phone and see a pic of me and kendall as my lock screen i roll my eyes and pull up youtube i look up"whatcha say" by jason derulo and plug in my head phones as i'm listening i start to cry hard to wear my make up is all over my face but right now i don't give a fuck!

~4hours later~

i'm back home i unpacked changed into my camo pj pants and long sleeve lose fitting dixie outfiters tshirt (i know what you are thinking ari wears designer brands but in my story she wears both) i crawl in bed and cry my phone vibrates i see 5missed calls from kendall and 4 texts messages i ignore them because i can't deal right now then there's a knock on my bedroom door 

"WHAT?" i yell rudely as possible 

"ari, it's ally someone is at the door for you" she says 

i groan and go to the appartment door "umm, can i help you mister shelton?" i ask

"yes, you are miss grande right?" he asks southern accent in full bloom

"yeah may i ask why?" i ask 

"yes, i was wondering if you know nicole dawn?" he asks 

i roll my eyes "oh you mean the little bitch who tried to fuck and apperntly succeeded with my ex finacee" i say crossing my arms 

"i have these papers from the doctor for her about her results" he says handing them to me 

i look at them and my jaw drops "wait, you are the father?" i ask

he nods "yes, ma'am" he says 

ugh that accent is killing me i like it "so, what does this mean?" i ask

"it means either nicole lied to him to get back at you or the media blew it out of proportions" he says 

"so what do we do?" i ask 

"do you know where she is?" he asks 

"south carolina along with kendall who's touring" i say 

"good, because we have some truth to drop" he says 

A/N: whoah wasn't expecting that were ya? lol anyways i wonder what happens?? read the next chapter to find out! later lovelies 

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