Episode 1 (2)

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Sameer's family [Dad , Mom ,Sister and Brother] is watching football on TV and cheering for their fav team..while Sameer is out.

Suddenly, door bell rings....Mother goes to open the door.

Sameer's father also goes to see at door because Sameer's mom didnt return.

A man shot Sameer' s mom and dad with gun and enter the house and also shot Sameer's sister and brother.

Reporter on TV:

This is today's first news. Two days ago,we delivered the news that an entire family in Sangdo-dong was murdered by a pistol.The police spotted Sameer,the gold medallist of Athens Olympics and also a member of the family as a prime suspect.

Another Reporter

Here I am at Seoulg Dongjak Police Station.A little while ago,Sameer,the former national athlete,got arrested under accusation of parricide.

TV reporter
Sameer's family were found shot to death in the living room of their house in the morning. While investigation Sameer who was not home on that day the police found many doubtful points on his whereabouts that day.


People screaming 'Go Korea!! Go Korea!!'
While a covered face man throw a pistol in the garbage.


Moreover, the pistol which wad used to murder them was found in trash 500m away from the crime scene. Which was also used by Sameer in the final of olympics.
His crime motive remains unclear. But acc to testimonies,as he quit being a shooting player and decided to study computer science, he had been having problems with his father.

In The Court
For praise the prosecuter asked the judge for biggest punishment...the punishment of death!!!

Sameer started crying by his soul!!!!

On the other scene

Two docters are sleeping!!! One of them is Naina Aggarwal and other is one of its friend Rohan.

A phone vibrates
Naina ask rohan to pick up his phone....but he was not in mood of getting up from his sleep so after irritation Naina gets up to receive the call.
She saw 3 miss calls from their senior doctor ( or u can say head doctor ) Mr. Anad.
Rohan gets up with shock and calls him back.
He cuts it and said to Naina that he is calling u not me and to pick up his calls...

She wakes up in shock and saw her phone...it was on silent.....She feels like it was her last day as there was 10 miss calls from the head doctor.
She rushes to his cabin!!
She knock the door n doctor ask her to come in.

Anad: Do u realise how long it took u to come?Do u wish to die?

Naina: I'm sorry sir....I didn't know you're here.

Anad: You didn't even answeryour phone.Are you looking down on me now? Do u think u can ignore my calls?

Naina: I'm sorry sir.This will never happen again sir. I'm so sorry sir.

Anad: Is your father Rakesh Aggarwal,the cartoon artist?

Naina:(shocked) pardon?

Anad: They say u r his daughter. I didn't know that.

Naina: I'm his daughter.

Anad: really?

Naina :yes..(nodding)

Anad: Why does it only happen to you?

Naina: what?

Anad: Your father is the great Rakesh Aggaewal and how can u be like that? Gosh,Naina

Naina: I'm sorry sir....I'm not good enough...(bending)

Anad: Do u live with ur parents?

Naina: no i live with my mother.

Anad: Where's your father?

Naina: They got divorced.

Anad: Is that right? So u don't see your father often?

Naina: I see him from time to time. Btw, why do you keep asking me about these things? I really.....

Anad: Give me some spoilers.

Naina: What

Anad : I'm really into these days. Your father's cartoon.I enjoy iy so much thesr days. Of course I know it was a hit, but I don't like reading webtoons, so i didn't read it. But i heard it's ending this week,so I rushed to a bookstore and brought 33 books.Look at this.

He take out all the books grom his drawer..

Anad: It was so tough. I stayed up 2 whole nights reading these. Why i it so fun?

Naina: Did u call me because of this?

Anad : You know what? I love the main character here. Sameer is very tenacious. I'm a man, but i think he's great.

Naina: I think too he's great.

Anad: Are you his fan too?
Naina: Of course I am. Who wouldn't like Sameer? He's so handsome, talented and mannered. And his eyes are very sexy.

Anad.: (staring at her) sexy?😕😞

Naina: I'm sorry I went over the line.

Anad: Gosh...

He stands up like he was going to slap her...

Rohan came here...n was shocked

Anad: Do me a high five.

Naina happily gave me high five.

Anad: I'm so glad to meet another Sameer's fan!! I didn't know you were his fan! You should have told me. You should've told me that he was your father.

Naina: i das will be thrilled.

Rohan:( giving a file) Mr. Anad please sign here.

Anad: Btw who is really the suspect?

Naina: I'm not sure about it either.

Anad : It's ending this week but it hasn't been revealed. Haven't you heard anything from you father?

Naina: My father never tells me about the story.

Anad: But you're his daughter.

Naina : Not even to me.

Anad: Just bring me a spoiler.

Rohan: I know his father. He's very strict.

Naina: Yes. He is.

Anad: You've never opened up a chest in a surgery, have you? I will let u try it. Go find out who the suspect is.

Naina: really? ( shocked n see rohan) But my father will never tell me.

Anad: You can close it too.

Naina: I will go get it right now!!

Anad: Of you lie because you want to open up a chest, I'll kill you.

Naina: Don't worry.
She goes happily....to find out.

Next part soon

Spoiler: Naina will soon meet Sameer in his world of cartoons!!

Till that wait!!

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