Episode 2 (2)

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Naina comes out of the restaurant after buying snakes...But she was lost..where?

Naina: Gosh. I should stop thinking about it. Dad came home and he is fine, right? It's just a cartoon. He's just a cartoon character. It's fine even if he dies.

As it was raining heavily so she thought to reach hospital as soon as possible. She moves little steps under umbrella but he's thoughts keep wondering her. How she saved him on the rooftop. So she moves under the shelter and calls her Dad.

Rakesh (R): Hello

Naina (N): Dad. Are you working?

R: Yes. What is it?

N: I'm sorry to bother you........Aa..are you really going to kill Sameer? (There was silence for a minute then N broke the silence) Why? Why do you have to kill him?

R: Do you want to meddle in my work now?

N:(takes a breath) ahhh....I just feel bad. Why does he have to die when he did nothing wrong? That's unfair. He decided to find the person who killed his family. It has been his goal for 10 years. He didn't catch the criminal nor take his revenge. Why does he have to die? He's the main character.

R: Who says the main character always succeed in revenge before he dies? I make the story.

N: Still, that's not fair,dad. Saving him would be meaningless if you kill him again. He barely avoided death. If you kill him only after two episodes, the readers would think it's absurd.

R: So why did you do something unnecessary?

N was shocked and said

N: Dad. What do you mean by that? (R realised what he just said) You just said I did something unnecessary.

R: It's nothing.

N: By something unnecessary, you mean saving Sameer, right?😦

R: 😬 What on the Earth you are talking about?

N: You know about this, right? You know that I saved Sameer's life. You didn't draw that scene, did you?

R: Aaa...are you out of your mind?

N: If I'm wrong,please explain. How did you know what I was wearing that day? The character looked exactly like me from head to toe. I never wore those clothes before. ((She is really a science student...needs everything is be explained😂))

R did not know what to say....he was wordless..

N:You saw him too,didn't you? Sameer is actually alive? (R still was wordless) I saw him. He had hot blood and a beating heart. How he looked at me is still vivid in my mind. Sameer was alive. But how? How can he be alive? It doesn't make any sense. How can he be alive?

R: That's why. That's why I have to take his life right now.

N: No, that's a murder.

R: What did you just say? A murder?

N: I....I don't know what's happening, but he is alive. If you kill someone alive, that's murder,Dad. Dad, I have to talk to you in person. I'll come over now.Hello?

Suddenly connection was broken not because one of them hang up the call but because Naina enter the another world....''THE WORLD OF SAMEER-THE CARTOON WORLD"

They don't don't understand what was happening with them...but as soon as she realised that she was in another world she was shocked and she was helpless....she don't know what to do next.
From a TV in a shop she got to know that they were searching her as she is only the one witness. And Hankuk Sungjin Hospital revealed that Sameer's operation was successful and was recovering. She thought of going to his hospital to save him.

Whereas in the real world....Rakesh's artists (Arjun and Shefali) used Naina's hospital sketch as the hospital where Sameer was admitted.

Naina stopped the taxi as ask him to drop her to hospital. He said" What are you talking..its here" She was shocked as her hospital changes to the hospital where Sameer was admitted. She some how enter and hospital and find Sameer's room

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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