Episode 1 (3)

309 32 4

Naina happily goes out of Doctor's cabin.

Naina: (in mind) If i knew earlier that he was into cartoons, my life would have been easier. Well, I know it now. Lets see.

Naina calls her dad (Rakesh)
She immediately cuts the call and talk to herself...

Naina: No..I'll just get into trouble.

She calls Arjun....(who is her friend cum brother and he also works with her father..)

Arjun: Hello...Naina (arjun is very tense)

Naina: Arjun it's been a while.

Arjun: Naina, that's...

Naina: You must be really busy. I know that today's the last day, and you must be hectic. There is one thing I have to ask you. My lige really depends on it. So don't tell dad.

Arjun: naina. I was going to call you. Go sit down. We're in trouble.

Naina: what do you mean?

Arjun: He disappeared.

Naina: what

Arjun : I mean.....He's been out of touch since last night.

Naina : Gosh,it's not a big deal. He must be somewhere drinking with his friends.

Arjun:No, I've called all the bars , and nobody knows where he is. He left his phone too..

Naina: He left his phone?

Arjun : He left his wallet and car key. He just disappeared.
Naina: Where did he go then?

Arjun: its supposed to be done by 4pm, and he's not giving us any directions. We don't know what to do, and he never missed a deadline. What do we do?

Naina immediately goes to his father's house cum office where he draw all his chapters of comic.

At home

She enter the house

Arjun : naina

Naina: you surprised me..

A lady(who also works there) : you're here..

Naina: hello everyone any news from dad?

Arjun: He's not back yet.

Naina goes to his room.Followed by Arjun.

Arjun: You haven't talked to him?

Naina: I've been too busy. It's been a while since I talked to him.

Arjun: I should tell the editors. I haven't even mentione it.

Naina: Let's wait for him a little more. We still have time.

Naina look around to find anything related to his father's missing.

Arjun: You know what's really strange? We worked here all the day yesterday, and he never got out of this room.


Rakesh is drawing comic on his tablet. While Arjun enters...

Arjun: Do you want me to make you some coffee?

Rakesh sees time..its 9.05pm

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