Episode 1 (4)

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Naina was dragged in a new world..
Due to fear she loses her consciousness....As soon as she gain consciousness she found herself to a new place.From there she could see the whole city.

Naina ( to herself ): What's this? Where am I? Why an I here? What.

As she moves forward to see where she is, something thing came in her way that he falls down... It was not just a thing.. its was Sameer who was seriously injured and lot of blood was bleeding from his wounds. She was shocked to see. Not because she saw Sameer ( main character of a comic written by her father and her character crush ). She couldn't recognise him as it was night and much dark.

Naina: (lightly shaking him) Excuse me. Hello. Please wake up. Can you hear me?

Being a doctor she thought to treat him. She started observing his wounds. She tear his shirt to treat him. Due to deficiency of equipments she was not able to do anything. She start searching for his identity by checking his pockets. She found his phone. But can't find anything because it was locked.. she tried with his finger prints too but the phone was not unlocked. She ran from there to find someone for help. She hurriedly goes down the stairs. She somehow reach in a kitchen.

Naina: excuse me. Please call ambulance. There is someone dying on the rooftop. Can't you hear me? A man is dying after being stabbed. He won't make it for long because he has lost a lot of blood. Tell me to hurry.

She took scissors from there n goes back to rooftop. Everyone there was confused and was not able to understand anything.

Chief 1: What's going on?
Chief 2: You go and have a look. Call the manager.

She comes back to rooftop with a cloth n scissor.

Staff member comes there n slips in shock.
Staff member: What's going on? Is he seriously hurt? Whi is he?

Naina: I don't know him, either. Turn on the light here. Is ambulance coming? Did you call the ambulance.

Staff: I called, and there is a surgeon 's conference downstairs. They are coming up now.

Naina: A conference? Where is it here?

Staff: What do you mean?

Naina: What is the purpose of this building?

Staff: It's a hotel here. The Plaza Hotel in Seoul.

Naina: Is it a hotel here?

Staff: Do you know what are you doing by the way? Let's just wait untill the doctors arrive here.

Naina: I'm a doctor myself as well....though I'm not particularly talented.

He ( Sameer ) moves little bit
In pain.

Staff: Oh..gosh. Why is he like this ? Oh my goodness.

Naina thought to do something to save him. She cutted his vest with scissors. And observe his wounds.

Naina: I think this is pneumothorax.

Staff: Why did you say?

Naina : Is it pneumothorax? Yes, it is. Then I need to make pencture. ( She was becoming hyper by seeing his condition.) I need to pencture it, but I don't have anything to do it with.

She looks here n there to find something to penture. She saw a pen inthe pocket of staffj member.

Naina: No, I can't. Its too dangerous. I don't know enough about it.

Sameer's condition was becoming serious.
Staff: Ohh... isn't he go..ing to die?

Naina took pen from his pocket and open to insert it in his body near wound...but was hesitating.

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