Arc 1 {Jombie~}

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[...] - system speaking/tele

{...} - system thoughts

"..." - Person speaking

'...' - Person thoughts

"..." - Host speaking/tele with system


'What the fuck was that???'
'That's not the point!'
'I'm fucking dead! DEAD!!!'

Just the thought of being dead made Xiu Ming snap his eyes open.



'From when did a garbage start to become alive?!'

[What garbage ya' talking about asshole?] What the fuck is with this dude? (´・益・`*)

'Your stinky garbage like hair, what else!' What's with fashion these days!

[Look who's talking! Did ya' even look at yar'self? Dude, yo' look like yo' just came out of sewers!] Tsk. Acting all high and mighty just 'cause he knows some so-called fashion knowledge!

'Eh? Mirror please? How am I supposed to see anything without a freaking mirror! And also please take your glowy garbage face out of my sight!' Why am I even talking shit with this guy? This guy really pisses me off!

[Ya' just wait~]  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[Ah! Here ya' go!] He hands over a simple palm sized mirror to Xiu Ming. Taking the mirror unhurriedly he looks in it only to-

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?????? WHY DO I LOOK LIKE THIS???? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FACE?????" He yelled on top of his voice which came out hoarse and dry as - "AAAAAGGGGG!!!! WARGGG ARGG HUAARRGGG ARRGG ARGG?????? WAHHRRGG ARGG..." ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨

Only to see a face full of cuts and bruises with some kind of worms and pests wriggling all over his wounds. His eyes red and huge almost about to pop out of his sockets. His face was pale green with blood covered all over, misshaped teeth and cracked lips that could make crunch sounds! And his hair looked even worse than 'the [..] guy!'..


[pfft- wahahahaha- serves ya' right- hahaha- just look at yar' f-face- hahaaha!] And the glowy face like guy was rolling on the floor laughing. (≧ω≦)

'Shut the fuck up! What happened? Why do I look like this?' Xiu Ming asked now in a slight calm voice but with a huge murderous aura leaking with every word!

'Also, who the fuck are you? Where am I? I know I'm already dead! So what is this place?' Still exuding murderous aura...

[Woah! Woah! Chill dude! I ain't no "fuck". I got a name, ya' know! It's Leupas. Numerically it's 'System 444' of 'Reverse Regret' short 'RR'. I'm yar' soul bounded system. Right now I'm in the form of a hologram that only yo' can see, yo' can buy me a body later if yo' want. I'm just supposed to guide and/or help with the coming world hopping we'll be doing! Dude... Ya' got some hell of a regret! Basically yo' didn't die a peaceful death so yo' getting a second chance~]

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