1.1 {Jombie~}

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Yayyy!! I'm back!! Or so you thought!
Anyway this is arc 1.1, (ಥ_ಥ) I'm currently not sure if whatever in this update is readable or not.
But I hope you all like it. I bet there's a lot of plot holes or nonsense... Though not sure~

{...} - system's private thinking
[...] - system talking/tele with host
"..." - People speaking
'...' - People thinking
"..." - Host talking/tele to system


The next morning Harfel was suddenly awoken by the sounds of numerous people discussing something around him. He slowly blinked his eyes clearing the blurry sight. He then realised that he couldn't move his body at all, like suddenly the gravity force just increased ten fold! He could vaguely hear what the 'scientists' around him were talking about.

"The new antidote seems to be working for now"

"He's already looking more human"

"So much research, finally kind of paying off"

"Wonder how long it will last..."

"This antidote still cannot cure the virus fully"

Listening to their conversation Harfel finally gets the gist of the matters right now. He immediately called the system for further details.

"System, so how come you didn't inform me this yesterday?" He asked with a raised brow.

[I had to give so much of details and info that I didn't see this tiny thing slip out~ well~ not like anything bad happened ~] Leupas answered like it didn't matter at all.

Harfel had the urge to just strangle this system if he could get his actual body!
Just when he was about to scold the system for it's carelessness, a tremendous amount of pain started surging through his body and started heating up, he felt like he just dived into a pool of boiling lava. Cold sweat covering his entire body as he just laid motionless on the lab bed. He wanted to scream due to the immense pain but his voice wouldn't come out. He just laid there staring at the white ceiling waiting for the pain to subside. He could feel his insides being broken and repaired simultaneously. After a painful one hour, his extreme pain finally reduced a lot but his body was still aching due to the aftereffect of the pain.

He was temporarily cured from the zombie virus. The once slightly above average looks of the original came to the light, though he looked deadly pale like someone rescued from the claws of death.

Few hours passed as he laid motionless waiting for the pain to completely subside. Finally he called Leupas.

"Hey! Do you have a mirror or something?" Harfel urged, wanting to see the now not so zombie-like face.

[Sure, here ya' go!] Just then a floating small screen like mirror appeared in front of him. He stared at his new appearance for a while.

"Not bad. But his looks are quite lacking! Hey you! Give me that beautifying pill thing that I got before!" Harfel commanded. Leupas almost had his vein bulging on his forehead. {Who does he think he is to order me around} But he has to do as Harfel says.

[Yo catch!] And Leupas recklessly throws a bright pink pill to Harfel. And it actually lands inside Harfel's slightly parted mouth! Seeing this the system spoke up almost shouting. [PERFECT SHOT!!] Literally grinning. Harfel was slightly surprised by this but only mentally glared at the system. He started feeling cold and felt his body become lighter. He felt like an inflated balloon leaking air!

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